
Command Line

parse_python_assigns(assign_str) Parses a string, containing assign statements into a dictionary.

Parses a string, containing assign statements into a dictionary.

data = parse_python_assigns("beta=5.6; l=[2,3], s='hello, world'")

assert data == {
    'beta': 5.6,
    'l': [2, 3],
    's': 'hello, world'

assign_str: str

Assignment string. Should only contain assignment statements assigning python literals or builtin function calls, to variable names. Multiple assignment statements should be separated by semi-colons.



Dictionary { name: value } containing assignment results.

Requirements Handling

requires_optional(*requirements) Decorator returning either the original function, or a dummy function raising a MissingPackageException when called, depending on whether the supplied requirements are present.

Decorator returning either the original function, or a dummy function raising a MissingPackageException when called, depending on whether the supplied requirements are present.

If packages are missing and called within a test, the dummy function will call pytest.skip().

Used in the following way:

    from scipy import interpolate
except ImportError as e:
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/29268974/1611416, pep 3110 and 344
    scipy_import_error = e
    scipy_import_error = None

@requires_optional('scipy', scipy_import_error)
def function(*args, **kwargs):
    return interpolate(...)

requirements : iterable of string, None or ImportError

Sequence of package names required by the decorated function. ImportError exceptions (or None, indicating their absence) may also be supplied and will be immediately re-raised within the decorator. This is useful for tracking down problems in user import logic.



Either the original function if all requirements are available or a dummy function that throws a MissingPackageException or skips a pytest.


aggregate_chunks(chunks, max_chunks) Aggregate dask chunks together into chunks no larger than max_chunks.
corr_shape(ncorr, corr_shape) Returns the shape of the correlations, given ncorr and the type of correlation shape requested
africanus.util.shapes.aggregate_chunks(chunks, max_chunks)[source]

Aggregate dask chunks together into chunks no larger than max_chunks.

chunks, max_c = ((3,4,6,3,6,7),(1,1,1,1,1,1)), (10,3)
expected = ((7,9,6,7), (2,2,1,1))
assert aggregate_chunks(chunks, max_c) == expected

chunks : sequence of tuples or tuple

max_chunks : sequence of ints or int


sequence of tuples or tuple

africanus.util.shapes.corr_shape(ncorr, corr_shape)[source]

Returns the shape of the correlations, given ncorr and the type of correlation shape requested


ncorr : integer

Number of correlations

corr_shape : {‘flat’, ‘matrix’}

Shape of output correlations



Shape tuple describing the correlation dimensions

  • If flat returns (ncorr,)

  • If matrix returns

    • (1,) if ncorr == 1
    • (2,) if ncorr == 2
    • (2,2) if ncorr == 4


beam_filenames(filename_schema, corr_types) Returns a dictionary of beam filename pairs, keyed on correlation,from the cartesian product of correlations and real, imaginary pairs
beam_grids(header[, l_axis, m_axis]) Extracts the FITS indices and grids for the beam dimensions in the supplied FITS header.
africanus.util.beams.beam_filenames(filename_schema, corr_types)[source]

Returns a dictionary of beam filename pairs, keyed on correlation,from the cartesian product of correlations and real, imaginary pairs

Given beam_$(corr)_$(reim).fits returns:

  'xx' : ['beam_xx_re.fits', 'beam_xx_im.fits'],
  'xy' : ['beam_xy_re.fits', 'beam_xy_im.fits'],
  'yy' : ['beam_yy_re.fits', 'beam_yy_im.fits'],

Given beam_$(CORR)_$(REIM).fits returns:

  'xx' : ['beam_XX_RE.fits', 'beam_XX_IM.fits'],
  'xy' : ['beam_XY_RE.fits', 'beam_XY_IM.fits'],
  'yy' : ['beam_YY_RE.fits', 'beam_YY_IM.fits']),

filename_schema : str

String containing the filename schema.

corr_types : list of integers

list of integers defining the correlation type.



Dictionary of schema {correlation : (refile, imfile)} mapping correlations to real and imaginary filename pairs

africanus.util.beams.beam_grids(header, l_axis=None, m_axis=None)[source]

Extracts the FITS indices and grids for the beam dimensions in the supplied FITS header. Specifically the axes specified by

  1. L or X CTYPE
  2. M or Y CTYPE

If the first two axes have a negative sign, such as -L, the grid will be inverted.

Any grids corresponding to axes with a CUNIT type of DEG will be converted to radians.


header : Header or dict

FITS header object.

l_axis : str

FITS axis interpreted as the L axis. L and X are sensible values here. -L will invert the coordinate system on that axis.

m_axis : str

FITS axis interpreted as the M axis. M and Y are sensible values here. -M will invert the coordinate system on that axis.



Returns ((l_axis, l_grid), (m_axis, m_grid), (freq_axis, freq_grid)) where the axis is the FORTRAN indexed FITS axis (1-indexed) and grid contains the values at each pixel along the axis.


format_code(code) Formats some code with line numbers
memoize_on_key(key_fn) Memoize based on a key function supplied by the user.

Formats some code with line numbers


code : str




Code prefixed with line numbers

class africanus.util.code.memoize_on_key(key_fn)[source]

Memoize based on a key function supplied by the user. The key function should return a custom key for memoizing the decorated function, based on the arguments passed to it.

In the following example, the arguments required to generate the _generate_phase_delay_kernel function are the types of the lm, uvw and frequency arrays, as well as the number of correlations, ncorr.

The supplied key_fn produces a unique key based on these types and the number of correlations, which is used to cache the generated function.

def key_fn(lm, uvw, frequency, ncorrs=4):
    Produce a unique key for the arguments of
    return (lm.dtype, uvw.dtype, frequency.dtype, ncorrs)

_code_template = jinja2.Template('''
#define ncorrs {{ncorrs}}

__global__ void phase_delay(
    const {{lm_type}} * lm,
    const {{uvw_type}} * uvw,
    const {{freq_type}} * frequency,
    {{out_type}} * out)

_type_map = {
    np.float32: 'float',
    np.float64: 'double'

def _generate_phase_delay_kernel(lm, uvw, frequency, ncorrs=4):
    ''' Generate the phase delay kernel '''
    out_dtype = np.result_type(lm.dtype, uvw.dtype, frequency.dtype)
    code = _code_template.render(lm_type=_type_map[lm.dtype],
    return cp.RawKernel(code, "phase_delay")


__call__(fn) Call self as a function.


EstimatingProgressBar([minimum, width, dt, out]) Progress Bar that displays elapsed time as well as an estimate of total time taken.
class africanus.util.dask_util.EstimatingProgressBar(minimum=0, width=42, dt=1.0, out=sys.stdout)[source]

Progress Bar that displays elapsed time as well as an estimate of total time taken.

When starting a dask computation, the bar examines the graph and determines the number of chunks contained by a dask collection.

During computation the number of completed chunks and their the total time taken to complete them are tracked. The average derived from these numbers are used to estimate total compute time, relative to the current elapsed time.

The bar is not particularly accurate and will underestimate near the beginning of computation and seems to slightly overestimate during the buk of computation. However, it may be more accurate than the default dask task bar which tracks number of tasks completed by total tasks.


minimum : int, optional

Minimum time threshold in seconds before displaying a progress bar. Default is 0 (always display)

width : int, optional

Width of the bar, default is 42 characters.

dt : float, optional

Update resolution in seconds, default is 1.0 seconds.


grids(dims, blocks) Determine the grid size, given space dimensions sizes and blocks
africanus.util.cuda.grids(dims, blocks)[source]

Determine the grid size, given space dimensions sizes and blocks


dims : tuple of ints

(x, y, z) tuple



(x, y, z) grid size tuple