Source code for africanus.util.dask_util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import defaultdict
from timeit import default_timer
from threading import Event, Thread, Lock
import os
import time
import sys

    from dask.callbacks import Callback
    from dask.utils import ignoring
except ImportError as e:
    opt_import_err = e
    Callback = object
    opt_import_err = None

from import DefaultOut
from africanus.util.requirements import requires_optional

def format_time(t):
    """Format seconds into a human readable form."""
    m, s = divmod(t, 60)
    h, m = divmod(m, 60)
    d, h = divmod(h, 24)
    w, d = divmod(d, 7)

    if w:
        return "{0:2.0f}w{1:2.0f}d".format(w, d)
    elif d:
        return "{0:2.0f}d{1:2.0f}h".format(d, h)
    elif h:
        return "{0:2.0f}h{1:2.0f}m".format(h, m)
    elif m:
        return "{0:2.0f}m{1:2.0f}s".format(m, s)
        return "{0:5.0f}s".format(s)

def key_bin(key):
    if type(key) is tuple:
        key = key[0]

    if type(key) is bytes:
        key = key.decode()

        return str(key)
    except Exception:
        return "other"

class TaskData(object):
    __slots__ = ("total", "completed", "time_sum")

    def __init__(self, completed=0, total=0, time_sum=0.0):
        self.completed = completed = total
        self.time_sum = time_sum

    def __iadd__(self, other):
        self.completed += other.completed +=
        self.time_sum += other.time_sum
        return self

    def __add__(self, other):
        return TaskData(self.completed + other.completed,
                        self.time_sum + other.time_sum)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "TaskData(%s, %s, %s)" % (self.completed,

    __str__ = __repr__

def update_bar(elapsed, prev_completed, prev_estimated, pb):
    total = 0
    completed = 0
    estimated = 0.0
    time_guess = 0.0

    # update
    with pb._lock:
        for k, v in pb.task_data.items():
            total +=
            completed += v.completed

            if v.completed > 0:
                avg_time = v.time_sum / v.completed
                estimated += avg_time *
                time_guess += v.time_sum

    # If we've completed some new tasks, update our estimate
    # otherwise use previous estimate. This prevents jumps
    # relative to the elapsed time
    if completed != prev_completed:
        estimated = estimated * elapsed / time_guess
        estimated = prev_estimated

    # For the first 10 seconds, tell the user estimates improve over time
    # then display the bar
    if elapsed < 10.0:
        fraction = 0.0
        bar = " estimate improves over time"
        # Print out the progress bar
        fraction = elapsed / estimated if estimated > 0.0 else 0.0
        bar = "#" * int(pb._width * fraction)

    percent = int(100 * fraction)
    msg = "\r[{0:{1}.{1}}] | {2}% Complete (Estimate) | {3} / ~{4}".format(
                bar, pb._width, percent,
                "???" if estimated == 0.0 else format_time(estimated))

    with ignoring(ValueError):

    return completed, estimated

def timer_func(pb):
    start = default_timer()

    while pb.running.is_set():
        elapsed = default_timer() - start
        prev_completed = 0
        prev_estimated = 0.0

        if elapsed > pb._minimum:
            prev_completed, prev_estimated = update_bar(elapsed,


default_out = DefaultOut("sys.stdout")

[docs]class EstimatingProgressBar(Callback): """ Progress Bar that displays elapsed time as well as an estimate of total time taken. When starting a dask computation, the bar examines the graph and determines the number of chunks contained by a dask collection. During computation the number of completed chunks and their the total time taken to complete them are tracked. The average derived from these numbers are used to estimate total compute time, relative to the current elapsed time. The bar is not particularly accurate and will underestimate near the beginning of computation and seems to slightly overestimate during the buk of computation. However, it may be more accurate than the default dask task bar which tracks number of tasks completed by total tasks. Parameters ---------- minimum : int, optional Minimum time threshold in seconds before displaying a progress bar. Default is 0 (always display) width : int, optional Width of the bar, default is 42 characters. dt : float, optional Update resolution in seconds, default is 1.0 seconds. """ @requires_optional("dask", opt_import_err) def __init__(self, minimum=0, width=42, dt=1.0, out=default_out): if out is None: out = open(os.devnull, "w") elif out is default_out: out = sys.stdout self._minimum = minimum self._width = width self._dt = dt self._file = out self._lock = Lock() def _start(self, dsk): self.task_start = {} self.task_data = defaultdict(TaskData) for k, v in dsk.items(): self.task_data[key_bin(k)].total += 1 self.running = Event() self.running.set() self.thread = Thread(target=timer_func, args=(self,)) self.daemon = True self.thread.start() def _finish(self, dsk, state, errored): self.running.clear() self.task_data.clear() self.task_start.clear() def _pretask(self, key, dsk, state): with self._lock: self.task_start[key] = default_timer() def _posttask(self, key, result, dsk, state, worker_id): with self._lock: td = self.task_data[key_bin(key)] td.time_sum += default_timer() - self.task_start.pop(key) td.completed += 1