Convolution Filters

Convolution filters suitable for use in gridding and degridding.


convolution_filter(half_support, …) Create a 2D Convolution Filter suitable for use with gridding and degridding functions.
africanus.filters.convolution_filter(half_support, oversampling_factor, filter_type, **kwargs)[source]

Create a 2D Convolution Filter suitable for use with gridding and degridding functions.

half_support : integer

Half support (N) of the filter. The filter has a full support of N*2 + 3 taps. Two of the taps exist as padding.

oversampling_factor : integer

Number of spaces in-between grid-steps (improves gridding/degridding accuracy)

filter_type : {‘kaiser-bessel’, ‘sinc’}

Filter type. See Convolution Filters for further information.

beta : float, optional

Beta shape parameter for Kaiser Bessel filters.

normalise : {True, False}

Normalise the filter by the it’s volume. Defaults to True.


namedtuple containing filter attributes

africanus.filters.ConvolutionFilter = <class 'africanus.filters.conv_filters.ConvolutionFilter'>

collections.namedtuple containing attributes defining a 2D Convolution Filter. A namedtuple is used because they’re easier to use when using nopython mode in numba.


Full support


Full support without padding


Half support


Oversampling factor


Number of taps


2D filter taps with shape (v, u)

Kaiser Bessel

The Kaiser Bessel function.

kaiser_bessel(u, W, beta) Compute a 1D Kaiser Bessel filter as defined in Selection of a Convolution Function for Fourier Inversion Using Gridding.
kaiser_bessel_with_sinc(u, W, oversample, beta) Produces a filter composed of Kaiser Bessel multiplied by a sinc.
kaiser_bessel_fourier(x, W, beta) Computes the Fourier Transform of a 1D Kaiser Bessel filter.
estimate_kaiser_bessel_beta(W) Estimate the kaiser bessel beta using the following heuristic:
africanus.filters.kaiser_bessel_filter.kaiser_bessel(u, W, beta)[source]

Compute a 1D Kaiser Bessel filter as defined in Selection of a Convolution Function for Fourier Inversion Using Gridding.

u : numpy.ndarray

Filter positions

W : int

Width of the filter

beta : float, optional

Kaiser Bessel shape parameter


Kaiser Bessel filter with the same shape as u

africanus.filters.kaiser_bessel_filter.kaiser_bessel_with_sinc(u, W, oversample, beta, normalise=True)[source]

Produces a filter composed of Kaiser Bessel multiplied by a sinc.

Accounts for the oversampling factor, as well as normalising the filter.

u : numpy.ndarray

Filter positions

W : int

Width of the filter

oversample : int

Oversampling factor

beta : float

Kaiser Bessel shape parameter

normalise : optional, {True, False}

True if the filter should be normalised


Filter with the same shape as u

africanus.filters.kaiser_bessel_filter.kaiser_bessel_fourier(x, W, beta)[source]

Computes the Fourier Transform of a 1D Kaiser Bessel filter. as defined in Selection of a Convolution Function for Fourier Inversion Using Gridding.

x : numpy.ndarray

Filter positions

W : int

Width of the filter.

beta : float

Kaiser bessel shape parameter


Fourier Transform of the Kaiser Bessel, with the same shape as x.


Estimate the kaiser bessel beta using the following heuristic:

\[\beta = 2.34 \times W\]

Derived from Nonuniform fast Fourier transforms using min-max interpolation.

W : int

Width of the filter


Kaiser Bessel beta shape parameter


The Sinc function.