Source code for africanus.filters.kaiser_bessel_filter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

[docs]def estimate_kaiser_bessel_beta(W): r""" Estimate the kaiser bessel beta using the following heuristic: .. math:: \beta = 2.34 \times W Derived from `Nonuniform fast Fourier transforms using min-max interpolation <nufft-min-max-ref_>`_. .. _nufft-min-max-ref: Parameters ---------- W : int Width of the filter Returns ------- float Kaiser Bessel beta shape parameter """ return 2.34*W
[docs]def kaiser_bessel(u, W, beta): r""" Compute a 1D Kaiser Bessel filter as defined in `Selection of a Convolution Function for Fourier Inversion Using Gridding <kbref_>`_. .. _kbref: Parameters ---------- u : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Filter positions W : int Width of the filter beta : float, optional Kaiser Bessel shape parameter Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Kaiser Bessel filter with the same shape as `u` """ # Sanity check hW = W // 2 assert np.all(-hW <= u) & np.all(u <= hW) param = 1 - (2 * u / W)**2 param[param < 0] = 0 # Zero negative numbers return np.i0(beta * np.sqrt(param)) / np.i0(beta)
[docs]def kaiser_bessel_with_sinc(u, W, oversample, beta, normalise=True): """ Produces a filter composed of Kaiser Bessel multiplied by a sinc. Accounts for the oversampling factor, as well as normalising the filter. Parameters ---------- u : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Filter positions W : int Width of the filter oversample : int Oversampling factor beta : float Kaiser Bessel shape parameter normalise : optional, {True, False} True if the filter should be normalised Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Filter with the same shape as `u` """ kb = kaiser_bessel(u, W, beta) kb *= oversample kb *= np.sinc(u / oversample) if normalise: kb /= np.trapz(kb, u) return kb
[docs]def kaiser_bessel_fourier(x, W, beta): r""" Computes the Fourier Transform of a 1D Kaiser Bessel filter. as defined in `Selection of a Convolution Function for Fourier Inversion Using Gridding <kbref_>`_. .. _kbref: Parameters ---------- x : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Filter positions W : int Width of the filter. beta : float Kaiser bessel shape parameter Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Fourier Transform of the Kaiser Bessel, with the same shape as `x`. """ term = (np.pi*W*x)**2 - beta**2 val = np.lib.scimath.sqrt(term).real return np.sin(val)/val