Source code for africanus.experimental.rime.fused.specification

import ast
from importlib import import_module
import inspect
import multiprocessing
from pathlib import Path
import re

from africanus.experimental.rime.fused.terms.core import Term
from africanus.experimental.rime.fused.terms.phase import Phase
from africanus.experimental.rime.fused.terms.brightness import Brightness
from africanus.experimental.rime.fused import terms as term_mod
from africanus.experimental.rime.fused.transformers.core import Transformer
from africanus.experimental.rime.fused import transformers as transformer_mod
from africanus.util.patterns import LazyProxy

TERM_STRING_REGEX = re.compile("([A-Z])(pq|p|q)")

class RimeParseError(ValueError):

class RimeTransformer(ast.NodeTransformer):
    def visit_Module(self, node):
        if len(node.body) != 1 or not isinstance(node.body[0], ast.Expr):
            raise RimeParseError("Module must contain a single expression")

        expr = node.body[0]

        if not isinstance(expr.value, (ast.Tuple, ast.List)):
            raise RimeParseError("Expression must be a tuple or list")

        return self.visit(expr).value

    def visit_Name(self, node):

    def visit_List(self, node):
        return list(self.visit(v) for v in node.elts)

    def visit_Tuple(self, node):
        return tuple(self.visit(v) for v in node.elts)

    def visit_Num(self, node):
        return node.n

class RimeSpecificationError(ValueError):

def parse_stokes(stokes_string):
    stokes = parse_str_list(stokes_string)

    if (not isinstance(stokes, list) or
            not all(isinstance(s, str) for s in stokes)):

        raise RimeParseError(
            f"Stokes specification must be of the form "
            f"[I,Q,U,V]. Got {stokes}.")

    return [s.upper() for s in stokes]

def parse_corrs(corrs_string):
    corrs = parse_str_list(corrs_string)

    if (not isinstance(corrs, list) or
            not all(isinstance(c, str) for c in corrs)):

        raise RimeParseError(
            f"Correlation specification must be of the form "
            f"[XX,XY,YX,YY]. Got {corrs}.")

    return [c.upper() for c in corrs]

def parse_rime(rime: str):
    bits = [s.strip() for s in rime.split(":")]

        rime_bits, polarisation_bits = bits
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        raise RimeParseError(
            f"RIME must be of the form "
            f"[Gp, (Kpq, Bpq), Gq]: [I,Q,U,V] -> [XX,XY,YX,YY]. "
            f"Got {rime}.")

    bits = [s.strip() for s in polarisation_bits.split("->")]

        stokes_bits, corr_bits = bits
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        raise RimeParseError(
            f"Polarisation specification must be of the form "
            f"[I,Q,U,V] -> [XX,XY,YX,YY]. Got {polarisation_bits}.")

    stokes_bits, corr_bits = bits

    stokes = parse_stokes(stokes_bits)
    corrs = parse_corrs(corr_bits)
    equation = parse_str_list(rime_bits)

    if (not isinstance(equation, (tuple, list)) or
        any(isinstance(e, (tuple, list)) for e in equation) or
            not all(isinstance(t, str) for t in equation)):
        raise RimeParseError(
                f"RIME must be a tuple/list of Terms "
                f"(Kpq, Bpq). Got {equation}.")

    return equation, stokes, corrs

def search_types(module, typ, exclude=("", "")):
    """Searches for subclasses of `typ` in files of  `module`.

    module: python module
    typ: type or tuple of types
        types to return
    exclude: tuple of str
        Filenames to exclude from the search.

    types : dict
        a :code:`{name, type}` dictionary
    if isinstance(typ, type):
        typ = (typ,)
    elif isinstance(typ, (list, tuple)):
        typ = tuple(typ)

        if not all(isinstance(t, type) for t in typ):
            raise TypeError(f"typ: {typ} must be a type/tuple of types")
        raise TypeError(f"typ: {typ} must be a type/tuple of types")

    path = Path(module.__file__).parent
    search = set(path.glob("*.py")) - set(map(path.joinpath, exclude))
    typs = {}

    # For each python module in module, search for typs
    for py_file in search:
        mod = import_module(f"{module.__package__}.{py_file.stem}")

        for k, v in vars(mod).items():
            if (k.startswith("_") or not isinstance(v, type) or
                    not issubclass(v, typ) or v in typ):

            typs[k] = v

    return typs

def _decompose_term_str(term_str):
    match = TERM_STRING_REGEX.match(term_str)

    if not match:
        raise RimeSpecificationError(
            f"{term_str} does not match {TERM_STRING_REGEX.pattern}")

    return tuple(match.groups())

[docs]class RimeSpecification: """ Defines a unique Radio Interferometer Measurement Equation (RIME) The RIME is composed of a number of Jones Terms, which are multiplied together and combined to produce model visibilities. The ``RimeSpecification`` specifies the order of these Jones Terms and supports custom Jones terms specified by the user. One of the simplest RIME's that can be expressed involve a ``Phase`` (Kpq) and a ``Brightness`` (Bpq) term. The specification for this RIME is as follows: .. code-block:: python rime_spec = RimeSpecification("(Kpq, Bpq): [I,Q,U,V] -> [XX,XY,YX,YY]") ``(Kpq, Bpq)`` specifies the onion more formally defined :ref:`here <experimental-fused-rime-api-anchor>`, while ``[I,Q,U,V] -> [XX,XY,YX,YY]`` defines the stokes to correlation conversion within the RIME. It also identifies whether the RIME is handling linear or circular feeds. **Term Configuration** The ``pq`` in Kpq and Bpq signifies that their values are calculated per-baseline. It is possible to specify per-antenna terms: ``Kp`` and ``Kq`` for example which represent left (ANTENNA1) and right (ANTENNA2) terms respectively. Not that the hermitian transpose of the right term is automatically performed and does not need to be implemented in the Term itself. Thus, for example, ``(Kp, Bpq, Kq)`` specifies a RIME where the Phase Term is separated into left and right terms, while the Brightness Matrix is calculated per-baseline. **Stokes to Correlation Mapping** ``[I,Q,U,V] -> [XX,XY,YX,YY]`` specifies a mapping from four stokes parameters to four correlations. Both linear ``[XX,XY,YX,YY]`` and circular ``[RR,RL,LR,LL]`` feed types are supported. A variety of mappings are possible: .. code-block:: python [I,Q,U,V] -> [XX,XY,YX,YY] [I,Q] -> [XX,YY] [I,Q] -> [RR,LL] **Custom Terms** Custom Term classes implemented by a user can be added to the RIME as follows: .. code-block:: python class CustomJones(Term): ... spec = RimeSpecification("(Apq,Kpq,Bpq)", terms={"A": CustomJones}) Parameters ---------- specification : str A string specifying the terms in the RIME and the stokes to correlation conversion. terms : dict of str or Terms A map describing custom :class:`~africanus.experimental.rime.fused.terms.core.Term` implementations. If one has defined a custom Gaussian Term class, for use in RIME ``(Cpq, Kpq, Bpq)``, this should be supplied as :code:`terms={"C": Gaussian}`. strings can be supplied for predefined RIME classes. transformers : list of Transformers A list of :class:`~africanus.experimental.rime.fused.transformers.core.Transformer` classes. """ VALID_STOKES = {"I", "Q", "U", "V"} TERM_MAP = { "K": "Phase", "B": "Brightness", "L": "FeedRotation", "E": "BeamCubeDDE"} def __reduce__(self): return (RimeSpecification, self._saved_args) def __hash__(self): return hash(self._saved_args) def __eq__(self, rhs): return (isinstance(rhs, RimeSpecification) and self._saved_args == rhs._saved_args) def __init__(self, specification, terms=None, transformers=None): # Argument Handling if not isinstance(specification, str): raise TypeError(f"specification: {specification} is not a str") if not terms: saved_terms = None elif isinstance(terms, dict): saved_terms = frozenset(terms.items()) elif isinstance(terms, (tuple, list, set, frozenset)): saved_terms = frozenset(terms) terms = dict(saved_terms) else: raise TypeError( f"terms: {terms} must be a dictionary or " f"an iterable of (key, value) pairs") if not transformers: saved_transforms = transformers elif isinstance(transformers, (tuple, list, set, frozenset)): saved_transforms = frozenset(transformers) else: raise TypeError( f"transformers: {transformers} must be " f"an iterable of Transformers") # Parse the specification equation, stokes, corrs = parse_rime(specification) if not set(stokes).issubset(self.VALID_STOKES): raise RimeSpecificationError( f"{stokes} contains invalid stokes parameters. " f"Only {self.VALID_STOKES} are accepted") self._saved_args = (specification, saved_terms, saved_transforms) self.equation = equation self.stokes = stokes self.corrs = corrs self.feed_type = feed_type = self._feed_type(corrs) # Determine term types term_map = {**self.TERM_MAP, **terms} if terms else self.TERM_MAP term_types = search_types(term_mod, Term) transformer_types = search_types(transformer_mod, Transformer) term_char, term_cfgs = zip(*(_decompose_term_str(t) for t in equation)) try: terms_wanted = tuple(term_map[t] for t in term_char) except KeyError as e: raise RimeSpecificationError(f"Unknown term {str(e)}") try: term_types = tuple(t if isinstance(t, type) and issubclass(t, Term) else term_types[t] for t in terms_wanted) except KeyError as e: raise RimeSpecificationError(f"Can't find a type for {str(e)}") Pool = multiprocessing.get_context("spawn").Pool pool = LazyProxy((Pool, RimeSpecification._finalise_pool), 4) # Create the terms terms = [] global_kw = { "corrs": corrs, "stokes": stokes, "feed_type": feed_type, "process_pool": pool } for cls, cfg in zip(term_types, term_cfgs): if cfg == "pq": cfg = "middle" elif cfg == "p": cfg = "left" elif cfg == "q": cfg = "right" else: raise ValueError(f"Illegal configuration {cfg}") init_sig = inspect.signature(cls.__init__) available_kw = {"configuration": cfg, **global_kw} cls_kw = {} if "configuration" not in init_sig.parameters: raise RimeSpecification( f"{cls}.__init__{init_sig} must take a " f"'configuration' argument and call " f"super().__init__(configuration)") for a, p in list(init_sig.parameters.items())[1:]: if p.kind not in {p.POSITIONAL_ONLY, p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD}: raise RimeSpecification( f"{cls}.__init__{init_sig} may not contain " f"*args or **kwargs") try: cls_kw[a] = available_kw[a] except KeyError: raise RimeSpecificationError( f"{cls}.__init__{init_sig} wants argument {a} " f"but it is not available. " f"Available args: {available_kw}") term = cls(**cls_kw) terms.append(term) term_type_set = set(term_types) if Phase not in term_type_set: raise RimeSpecificationError( "RIME must at least contain a Phase term") if Brightness not in term_type_set: raise RimeSpecificationError( "RIME must at least contain a Brightness term") transformers = [] for cls in transformer_types.values(): init_sig = inspect.signature(cls.__init__) cls_kw = {} for a, p in list(init_sig.parameters.items())[1:]: if p.kind not in {p.POSITIONAL_ONLY, p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD}: raise RimeSpecification( f"{cls}.__init__{init_sig} may not contain " f"*args or **kwargs") try: cls_kw[a] = available_kw[a] except KeyError: raise RimeSpecificationError( f"{cls}.__init__{init_sig} wants argument {a} " f"but it is not available. " f"Available args: {available_kw}") transformer = cls(**cls_kw) transformers.append(transformer) self.terms = terms self.transformers = transformers @staticmethod def _finalise_pool(pool): pool.terminate() @staticmethod def _feed_type(corrs): linear = {"XX", "XY", "YX", "YY"} circular = {"RR", "RL", "LR", "LL"} scorrs = set(corrs) if scorrs.issubset(linear): return "linear" if scorrs.issubset(circular): return "circular" raise RimeSpecificationError( f"Correlations must be purely linear or circular. " f"Got {corrs}") @staticmethod def flatten_eqn(equation): if isinstance(equation, (tuple, list)): it = iter(map(RimeSpecification.flatten_eqn, equation)) return "".join(("[", ",".join(it), "]")) elif isinstance(equation, str): return equation else: raise TypeError(f"equation: {equation} must " f"be a string or sequence") def equation_bits(self): return self.flatten_eqn(self.equation) def __repr__(self): return "".join((self.__class__.__name__, "(\"", str(self), "\")")) def __str__(self): return "".join(( self.equation_bits(), ": ", "".join(("[", ",".join(self.stokes), "]")), " -> ", "".join(("[", ",".join(self.corrs), "]"))))
def parse_str_list(str_list): return RimeTransformer().visit(ast.parse(str_list))