--------- Sky Model --------- Functionality related to the Sky Model. Coherency Conversion -------------------- Utilities for converting back and forth between stokes parameters and correlations Numpy ~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: africanus.model.coherency .. autosummary:: convert .. autofunction:: convert Cuda ~~~~ .. currentmodule:: africanus.model.coherency.cuda .. autosummary:: convert .. autofunction:: convert Dask ~~~~ .. currentmodule:: africanus.model.coherency.dask .. autosummary:: convert .. autofunction:: convert Spectral Model -------------- Functionality for computing a Spectral Model. Numpy ~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: africanus.model.spectral .. autosummary:: spectral_model .. autofunction:: spectral_model Dask ~~~~ .. currentmodule:: africanus.model.spectral.dask .. autosummary:: spectral_model .. autofunction:: spectral_model Spectral Index -------------- Functionality related to the spectral index. For example, we may want to compute the spectral indices of components in a sky model defined by .. math:: I(\nu) = I(\nu_0) \left(\frac{\nu}{\nu_0}\right)^\alpha where :math:`\nu` are frequencies ay which we want to construct the intensity of a Stokes I image and the :math:`\nu_0` is the corresponding reference frequency. The spectral index :math:`\alpha` determines how quickly the intensity grows or decays as a function of frequency. Given a list of model image components (preferably with the residuals added back in) we can recover the corresponding spectral indices and reference intensities using the :func:`~africanus.model.spi.fit_spi_components` function. This will also return a lower bound on the associated uncertainties on these components. Numpy ~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: africanus.model.spi .. autosummary:: fit_spi_components .. autofunction:: fit_spi_components Dask ~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: africanus.model.spi.dask .. autosummary:: fit_spi_components .. autofunction:: fit_spi_components Source Morphology ----------------- Shape functions for different Source Morphologies Numpy ~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: africanus.model.shape .. autosummary:: gaussian .. autofunction:: gaussian Dask ~~~~ .. currentmodule:: africanus.model.shape.dask .. autosummary:: gaussian .. autofunction:: gaussian WSClean Spectral Model ---------------------- Utilities for creating a spectral model from a wsclean component file. Numpy ~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: africanus.model.wsclean .. autosummary:: load spectra .. autofunction:: load .. autofunction:: spectra Dask ~~~~ .. currentmodule:: africanus.model.wsclean.dask .. autosummary:: spectra .. autofunction:: spectra