Source code for africanus.util.cuda

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

_array_types = [np.ndarray]

    import dask.array as da
except ImportError:

    import cupy as cp
except ImportError:

_array_types = tuple(_array_types)

cuda_fns = {
    np.dtype(np.float32): {
        "abs": "fabsf",
        "cos": "cosf",
        "floor": "floorf",
        "make2": "make_float2",
        "max": "fmaxf",
        "min": "fminf",
        "rsqrt": "rsqrtf",
        "sqrt": "sqrtf",
        "sin": "sinf",
        "sincos": "sincosf",
        "sincospi": "sincospif",
    np.dtype(np.float64): {
        "abs": "fabs",
        "cos": "cos",
        "floor": "floor",
        "make2": "make_double2",
        "max": "fmax",
        "min": "fmin",
        "rsqrt": "rsqrt",
        "sin": "sin",
        "sincos": "sincos",
        "sincospi": "sincospi",
        "sqrt": "sqrt",

numpy_to_cuda_type_map = {
    np.dtype("int8"): "char",
    np.dtype("uint8"): "unsigned char",
    np.dtype("int16"): "short",
    np.dtype("uint16"): "unsigned short",
    np.dtype("int32"): "int",
    np.dtype("uint32"): "unsigned int",
    np.dtype("float32"): "float",
    np.dtype("float64"): "double",
    np.dtype("complex64"): "float2",
    np.dtype("complex128"): "double2",

# Also map the types
numpy_to_cuda_type_map.update({k.type: v for k, v in numpy_to_cuda_type_map.items()})

[docs] def grids(dims, blocks): """ Determine the grid size, given space dimensions sizes and blocks Parameters ---------- dims : tuple of ints `(x, y, z)` tuple Returns ------- tuple `(x, y, z)` grid size tuple """ if not len(dims) == 3: raise ValueError( "dims must be an (x, y, z) tuple. " "CUDA dimension ordering is inverted compared " "to NumPy" ) if not len(blocks) == 3: raise ValueError( "blocks must be an (x, y, z) tuple. " "CUDA dimension ordering is inverted compared " "to NumPy" ) return tuple((d + b - 1) // b for d, b in zip(dims, blocks))
def cuda_function(function_name, dtype): try: type_map = cuda_fns[dtype] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No registered functions for type %s" % dtype) try: return type_map[function_name] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unknown CUDA function %s" % function_name) def cuda_type(dtype): if isinstance(dtype, _array_types): dtype = dtype.dtype try: return numpy_to_cuda_type_map[dtype] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No registered map for type %s" % dtype)