Source code for africanus.rime.phase
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from africanus.constants import minus_two_pi_over_c
from import DocstringTemplate
from africanus.util.numba import JIT_OPTIONS, overload, njit
from africanus.util.type_inference import infer_complex_dtype
def phase_delay(lm, uvw, frequency, convention="fourier"):
return phase_delay_impl(lm, uvw, frequency, convention=convention)
def phase_delay_impl(lm, uvw, frequency, convention="fourier"):
raise NotImplementedError
@overload(phase_delay_impl, jit_options=JIT_OPTIONS)
def nb_phase_delay(lm, uvw, frequency, convention="fourier"):
# Bake constants in with the correct type
one = lm.dtype(1.0)
zero = lm.dtype(0.0)
neg_two_pi_over_c = lm.dtype(minus_two_pi_over_c)
out_dtype = infer_complex_dtype(lm, uvw, frequency)
def _phase_delay_impl(lm, uvw, frequency, convention="fourier"):
if convention == "fourier":
constant = neg_two_pi_over_c
elif convention == "casa":
constant = -neg_two_pi_over_c
raise ValueError("convention not in ('fourier', 'casa')")
shape = (lm.shape[0], uvw.shape[0], frequency.shape[0])
complex_phase = np.zeros(shape, dtype=out_dtype)
# For each source
for source in range(lm.shape[0]):
l, m = lm[source]
n = one - l**2 - m**2
n = np.sqrt(zero if n < zero else n) - one
# For each uvw coordinate
for row in range(uvw.shape[0]):
u, v, w = uvw[row]
# e^(-2*pi*(l*u + m*v + n*w)/c)
real_phase = constant * (l * u + m * v + n * w)
# Multiple in frequency for each channel
for chan in range(frequency.shape[0]):
p = real_phase * frequency[chan]
# Our phase input is purely imaginary
# so we can can elide a call to exp
# and just compute the cos and sin
complex_phase.real[source, row, chan] = np.cos(p)
complex_phase.imag[source, row, chan] = np.sin(p)
return complex_phase
return _phase_delay_impl
PHASE_DELAY_DOCS = DocstringTemplate(
Computes the phase delay (K) term:
.. math::
& {\Large e^{-2 \pi i (u l + v m + w (n - 1))} }
& \textrm{where } n = \sqrt{1 - l^2 - m^2}
Corresponds to the complex exponential of the `Van Cittert-Zernike Theorem
uses the CASA sign convention.
lm : $(array_type)
LM coordinates of shape :code:`(source, 2)` with
L and M components in the last dimension.
uvw : $(array_type)
UVW coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)` with
U, V and W components in the last dimension.
frequency : $(array_type)
frequencies of shape :code:`(chan,)`
convention : {'fourier', 'casa'}
Uses the :math:`e^{-2 \pi \mathit{i}}` sign convention
if ``fourier`` and :math:`e^{2 \pi \mathit{i}}` if
complex_phase : $(array_type)
complex of shape :code:`(source, row, chan)`
phase_delay.__doc__ = PHASE_DELAY_DOCS.substitute(
except AttributeError: