#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from africanus.util.docs import DocstringTemplate
from africanus.util.numba import jit
@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True)
def _fit_spi_components_impl(
data, weights, freqs, freq0, out, jac, beam, ncomps, nfreqs, tol, maxiter, mindet
w = freqs / freq0
dof = np.maximum(w.size - 2, 1)
for comp in range(ncomps):
eps = 1.0
k = 0
alphak = out[0, comp]
i0k = out[2, comp]
b = beam[comp]
while eps > tol and k < maxiter:
alphap = alphak
i0p = i0k
jac[1, :] = b * w**alphak
model = i0k * jac[1, :]
jac[0, :] = model * np.log(w)
residual = data[comp] - model
lik = 0.0
hess00 = 0.0
hess01 = 0.0
hess11 = 0.0
jr0 = 0.0
jr1 = 0.0
for v in range(nfreqs):
lik += residual[v] * weights[v] * residual[v]
jr0 += jac[0, v] * weights[v] * residual[v]
jr1 += jac[1, v] * weights[v] * residual[v]
hess00 += jac[0, v] * weights[v] * jac[0, v]
hess01 += jac[0, v] * weights[v] * jac[1, v]
hess11 += jac[1, v] * weights[v] * jac[1, v]
det = np.maximum(hess00 * hess11 - hess01**2, mindet)
alphak = alphap + (hess11 * jr0 - hess01 * jr1) / det
i0k = i0p + (-hess01 * jr0 + hess00 * jr1) / det
eps = np.maximum(np.abs(alphak - alphap), np.abs(i0k - i0p))
k += 1
if k == maxiter:
print("Warning - max iterations exceeded for component ", comp)
out[0, comp] = alphak
out[1, comp] = hess11 / det * lik / dof
out[2, comp] = i0k
out[3, comp] = hess00 / det * lik / dof
return out
def fit_spi_components(
data, weights, freqs, freq0, alphai=None, I0i=None, beam=None, tol=1e-4, maxiter=100
ncomps, nfreqs = data.shape
if beam is None:
beam = np.ones(data.shape, data.dtype)
jac = np.zeros((2, nfreqs), dtype=data.dtype)
out = np.zeros((4, ncomps), dtype=data.dtype)
if alphai is not None:
out[0, :] = alphai
out[0, :] = -0.7 * np.ones(ncomps, dtype=data.dtype)
if I0i is not None:
out[2, :] = I0i
tmp = np.abs(freqs - freq0)
ref_freq_idx = np.argwhere(tmp == tmp.min()).squeeze()
if np.size(ref_freq_idx) > 1:
ref_freq_idx = ref_freq_idx.min()
out[2, :] = data[:, ref_freq_idx] / beam[:, ref_freq_idx]
if data.dtype == np.float64:
mindet = 1e-12
elif data.dtype == np.float32:
mindet = 1e-5
raise ValueError("Unsupported data type. Must be float32 of float64.")
return _fit_spi_components_impl(
SPI_DOCSTRING = DocstringTemplate(
Computes the spectral indices and the intensity
at the reference frequency of a spectral index model:
.. math::
I(\nu) = A(\nu) I(\nu_0) \left( \frac{\nu}{\nu_0} \right) ^ \alpha
where :math:`I(\nu)` is the apparent source spectrum,
:math:`A(\nu)` is the beam model for each component as a function of
data : $(array_type)
array of shape :code:`(comps, chan)`
The noisy data as a function of frequency.
weights : $(array_type)
array of shape :code:`(chan,)`
Inverse of variance on each frequency axis.
freqs : $(array_type)
frequencies of shape :code:`(chan,)`
freq0 : float
Reference frequency
alphai : $(array_type), optional
array of shape :code:`(comps,)`
Initial guess for the alphas. Defaults
to -0.7.
I0i : $(array_type), optional
array of shape :code:`(comps,)`
Initial guess for the intensities at the
reference frequency. Defaults to 1.0.
beam_comps : $(array_type), optional
array of shape :code:`(comps, chan)`
Power beam for each component as a function of frequency.
tol : float, optional
Solver absolute tolerance (optional).
Defaults to 1e-6.
maxiter : int, optional
Solver maximum iterations (optional).
Defaults to 100.
dtype : np.dtype, optional
Datatype of result. Should be either np.float32
or np.float64. Defaults to np.float64.
out : $(array_type)
array of shape :code:`(4, comps)`
The fitted components arranged
as [alphas, alphavars, I0s, I0vars]
fit_spi_components.__doc__ = SPI_DOCSTRING.substitute(
except AttributeError: