Source code for africanus.model.spectral.spec_model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from numba import types
import numpy as np

from africanus.util.numba import overload, JIT_OPTIONS, njit
from import DocstringTemplate

def numpy_spectral_model(stokes, spi, ref_freq, frequency, base):
    out_shape = (stokes.shape[0], frequency.shape[0]) + stokes.shape[1:]

    # Add in missing pol dimensions
    if stokes.ndim == 1:
        stokes = stokes[:, None]

    if spi.ndim == 2:
        spi = spi[:, :, None]

    npol = spi.shape[2]

    if isinstance(base, list):
        base = base + [base[-1]] * (npol - len(base))
        base = [base] * npol

    spi_exps = np.arange(1, spi.shape[1] + 1)

    spectral_model = np.empty(
        (stokes.shape[0], frequency.shape[0], npol), dtype=stokes.dtype

    spectral_model[:, :, :] = stokes[:, None, :]

    for p, b in enumerate(base):
        if b in ("std", 0):
            freq_ratio = frequency[None, :] / ref_freq[:, None]
            term = freq_ratio[:, None, :] ** spi[:, :, p, None]
            spectral_model[:, :, p] *=
        elif b in ("log", 1):
            freq_ratio = np.log(frequency[None, :] / ref_freq[:, None])
            term = freq_ratio[:, None, :] ** spi_exps[None, :, None]
            term = spi[:, :, p, None] * term
            spectral_model[:, :, p] = stokes[:, p, None] * np.exp(term.sum(axis=1))
        elif b in ("log10", 2):
            freq_ratio = np.log10(frequency[None, :] / ref_freq[:, None])
            term = freq_ratio[:, None, :] ** spi_exps[None, :, None]
            term = spi[:, :, p, None] * term
            spectral_model[:, :, p] = stokes[:, p, None] * 10 ** (term.sum(axis=1))
            raise ValueError("Invalid base %s" % base)

    return spectral_model.reshape(out_shape)

def pol_getter_factory(npoldims):
    if npoldims == 0:

        def impl(pol_shape):
            return 1

        def impl(pol_shape):
            npols = 1

            for c in pol_shape:
                npols *= c

            return npols

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)

def promote_base_factory(is_base_list):
    if is_base_list:

        def impl(base, npol):
            return base + [base[-1]] * (npol - len(base))

        def impl(base, npol):
            return [base] * npol

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)

def add_pol_dim_factory(have_pol_dim):
    if have_pol_dim:

        def impl(array):
            return array

        def impl(array):
            return array.reshape(array.shape + (1,))

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)

[docs] @njit(**JIT_OPTIONS) def spectral_model(stokes, spi, ref_freq, frequency, base=0): return spectral_model_impl(stokes, spi, ref_freq, frequency, base=base)
def spectral_model_impl(stokes, spi, ref_freq, frequency, base=0): raise NotImplementedError @overload(spectral_model_impl, jit_options=JIT_OPTIONS) def nb_spectral_model(stokes, spi, ref_freq, frequency, base=0): arg_dtypes = tuple( np.dtype( for a in (stokes, spi, ref_freq, frequency) ) dtype = np.result_type(*arg_dtypes) if isinstance(base, types.containers.List): is_base_list = True base = base.dtype else: is_base_list = False promote_base = promote_base_factory(is_base_list) if isinstance(base, types.scalars.Integer): def is_std(base): return base == 0 def is_log(base): return base == 1 def is_log10(base): return base == 2 elif isinstance(base, types.misc.UnicodeType): def is_std(base): return base == "std" def is_log(base): return base == "log" def is_log10(base): return base == "log10" else: raise TypeError("base '%s' should be a string or integer" % base) is_std = njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(is_std) is_log = njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(is_log) is_log10 = njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(is_log10) npoldims = stokes.ndim - 1 pol_get_fn = pol_getter_factory(npoldims) add_pol_dim = add_pol_dim_factory(npoldims > 0) if spi.ndim - 2 != npoldims: raise ValueError("Dimensions on stokes and spi don't agree") def impl(stokes, spi, ref_freq, frequency, base=0): nsrc = stokes.shape[0] nchan = frequency.shape[0] nspi = spi.shape[1] npol = pol_get_fn(stokes.shape[1:]) if npol != pol_get_fn(spi.shape[2:]): raise ValueError("Correlations on stokes and spi don't agree") # Promote base argument to a per-polarisation list list_base = promote_base(base, npol) # Reshape adding a polarisation dimension if necessary estokes = add_pol_dim(stokes) espi = add_pol_dim(spi) spectral_model = np.empty((nsrc, nchan, npol), dtype=dtype) # TODO(sjperkins) # Polarisation + associated base on the outer loop # The output cache patterns could be improved. for p, b in enumerate(list_base[:npol]): if is_std(b): for s in range(nsrc): rf = ref_freq[s] for f in range(nchan): freq_ratio = frequency[f] / rf spec_model = estokes[s, p] for si in range(0, nspi): term = freq_ratio ** espi[s, si, p] spec_model *= term spectral_model[s, f, p] = spec_model elif is_log(b): for s in range(nsrc): rf = ref_freq[s] for f in range(nchan): freq_ratio = np.log(frequency[f] / rf) spec_model = 0 for si in range(0, nspi): term = espi[s, si, p] * freq_ratio ** (si + 1) spec_model += term spectral_model[s, f, p] = estokes[s, p] * np.exp(spec_model) elif is_log10(b): for s in range(nsrc): rf = ref_freq[s] for f in range(nchan): freq_ratio = np.log10(frequency[f] / rf) spec_model = 0 for si in range(0, nspi): term = espi[s, si, p] * freq_ratio ** (si + 1) spec_model += term spectral_model[s, f, p] = estokes[s, p] * 10**spec_model else: raise ValueError("Invalid base") out_shape = (stokes.shape[0], frequency.shape[0]) + stokes.shape[1:] return spectral_model.reshape(out_shape) return impl SPECTRAL_MODEL_DOC = DocstringTemplate( r""" Compute a spectral model, per polarisation. .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{eqnarray} I(\lambda) & = & I_0 \prod_{i=1} (\lambda / \lambda_0)^{\alpha_{i}} \\ \ln( I(\lambda) ) & = & \sum_{i=0} \alpha_{i} \ln (\lambda / \lambda_0)^i \, \textrm{where} \, \alpha_0 = \ln I_0 \\ \log_{10}( I(\lambda) ) & = & \sum_{i=0} \alpha_{i} \log_{10} (\lambda / \lambda_0)^i \, \textrm{where} \, \alpha_0 = \log_{10} I_0 \\ \end{eqnarray} Parameters ---------- stokes : $(array_type) Stokes parameters of shape :code:`(source,)` or :code:`(source, pol)`. If a ``pol`` dimension is present, then it must also be present on ``spi``. spi : $(array_type) Spectral index of shape :code:`(source, spi-comps)` or :code:`(source, spi-comps, pol)`. ref_freq : $(array_type) Reference frequencies of shape :code:`(source,)` frequencies : $(array_type) Frequencies of shape :code:`(chan,)` base : {"std", "log", "log10"} or {0, 1, 2} or list. string or corresponding enumeration specifying the polynomial base. Defaults to 0. If a list is provided, a polynomial base can be specified for each stokes parameter or polarisation in the ``pol`` dimension. string specification of the base is only supported in python 3. while the corresponding integer enumerations are supported on all python versions. Returns ------- spectral_model : $(array_type) Spectral Model of shape :code:`(source, chan)` or :code:`(source, chan, pol)`. """ ) try: spectral_model.__doc__ = SPECTRAL_MODEL_DOC.substitute( array_type=":class:`numpy.ndarray`" ) except AttributeError: pass