Source code for africanus.model.shape.gaussian_shape

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

from import DocstringTemplate
from africanus.util.numba import njit, overload, JIT_OPTIONS
from africanus.constants import c as lightspeed

[docs] @njit(**JIT_OPTIONS) def gaussian(uvw, frequency, shape_params): return gaussian_impl(uvw, frequency, shape_params)
def gaussian_impl(uvw, frequency, shape_params): raise NotImplementedError @overload(gaussian_impl, jit_options=JIT_OPTIONS) def nb_gaussian(uvw, frequency, shape_params): # fwhm = 2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0)) fwhminv = 1.0 / fwhm gauss_scale = fwhminv * np.sqrt(2.0) * np.pi / lightspeed dtype = np.result_type( *(np.dtype( for a in (uvw, frequency, shape_params)) ) def impl(uvw, frequency, shape_params): nsrc = shape_params.shape[0] nrow = uvw.shape[0] nchan = frequency.shape[0] shape = np.empty((nsrc, nrow, nchan), dtype=dtype) scaled_freq = np.empty_like(frequency) # Scale each frequency for f in range(frequency.shape[0]): scaled_freq[f] = frequency[f] * gauss_scale for s in range(shape_params.shape[0]): emaj, emin, angle = shape_params[s] # Convert to l-projection, m-projection, ratio el = emaj * np.sin(angle) em = emaj * np.cos(angle) er = emin / (1.0 if emaj == 0.0 else emaj) for r in range(uvw.shape[0]): u, v, w = uvw[r] u1 = (u * em - v * el) * er v1 = u * el + v * em for f in range(scaled_freq.shape[0]): fu1 = u1 * scaled_freq[f] fv1 = v1 * scaled_freq[f] shape[s, r, f] = np.exp(-(fu1 * fu1 + fv1 * fv1)) return shape return impl GAUSSIAN_DOCS = DocstringTemplate( r""" Computes the Gaussian Shape Function. .. math:: & \lambda^\prime = 2 \lambda \pi \\ & r = \frac{e_{min}}{e_{maj}} \\ & u_{1} = (u \, e_{maj} \, cos(\alpha) - v \, e_{maj} \, sin(\alpha)) r \lambda^\prime \\ & v_{1} = (u \, e_{maj} \, sin(\alpha) - v \, e_{maj} \, cos(\alpha)) \lambda^\prime \\ & \textrm{shape} = e^{(-u_{1}^2 - v_{1}^2)} where: - :math:`u` and :math:`v` are the UV coordinates and :math:`\lambda` the frequency. - :math:`e_{maj}` and :math:`e_{min}` are the major and minor axes and :math:`\alpha` the position angle. Parameters ---------- uvw : $(array_type) UVW coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)` frequency : $(array_type) frequencies of shape :code:`(chan,)` shape_param : $(array_type) Gaussian Shape Parameters of shape :code:`(source, 3)` where the second dimension contains the `(emajor, eminor, angle)` parameters describing the shape of the Gaussian Returns ------- gauss_shape : $(array_type) Shape parameters of shape :code:`(source, row, chan)` """ ) try: gaussian.__doc__ = GAUSSIAN_DOCS.substitute(array_type=":class:`numpy.ndarray`") except KeyError: pass