# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import OrderedDict, deque
from pprint import pformat
from textwrap import fill
import numpy as np
from africanus.util.casa_types import STOKES_TYPES, STOKES_ID_MAP
from africanus.util.docs import DocstringTemplate
stokes_conv = {
"RR": {("I", "V"): lambda i, v: i + v + 0j},
"RL": {("Q", "U"): lambda q, u: q + u * 1j},
"LR": {("Q", "U"): lambda q, u: q - u * 1j},
"LL": {("I", "V"): lambda i, v: i - v + 0j},
"XX": {("I", "Q"): lambda i, q: i + q + 0j},
"XY": {("U", "V"): lambda u, v: u + v * 1j},
"YX": {("U", "V"): lambda u, v: u - v * 1j},
"YY": {("I", "Q"): lambda i, q: i - q + 0j},
"I": {
("XX", "YY"): lambda xx, yy: (xx + yy).real / 2,
("RR", "LL"): lambda rr, ll: (rr + ll).real / 2,
"Q": {
("XX", "YY"): lambda xx, yy: (xx - yy).real / 2,
("RL", "LR"): lambda rl, lr: (rl + lr).real / 2,
"U": {
("XY", "YX"): lambda xy, yx: (xy + yx).real / 2,
("RL", "LR"): lambda rl, lr: (rl - lr).imag / 2,
"V": {
("XY", "YX"): lambda xy, yx: (xy - yx).imag / 2,
("RR", "LL"): lambda rr, ll: (rr - ll).real / 2,
class DimensionMismatch(Exception):
class MissingConversionInputs(Exception):
def _element_indices_and_shape(data):
if not isinstance(data, (tuple, list)):
data = [data]
# Shape of the data
shape = []
# Each stack element is (list, index, depth)
queue = deque([(data, (), 0)])
result = OrderedDict()
while len(queue) > 0:
current, current_idx, depth = queue.popleft()
# First do shape inference
if len(shape) <= depth:
elif shape[depth] != len(current):
raise DimensionMismatch(
"Dimension mismatch %d != %d at depth %d"
% (shape[depth], len(current), depth)
# Handle each sequence element
for i, e in enumerate(current):
# Found a list, recurse
if isinstance(e, (tuple, list)):
queue.append((e, current_idx + (i,), depth + 1))
# String
elif isinstance(e, str):
if e in result:
raise ValueError("'%s' defined multiple times" % e)
result[e] = current_idx + (i,)
# We have a CASA integer Stokes ID, convert to string
elif np.issubdtype(type(e), np.integer):
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid id '%d'. "
"Valid id's '%s'" % (e, pformat(STOKES_ID_MAP))
if e in result:
raise ValueError("'%s' defined multiple times" % e)
result[e] = current_idx + (i,)
raise TypeError("Invalid type '%s' for element '%s'" % (type(e), e))
return result, tuple(shape)
def convert_setup(input, input_schema, output_schema):
input_indices, input_shape = _element_indices_and_shape(input_schema)
output_indices, output_shape = _element_indices_and_shape(output_schema)
if input.shape[-len(input_shape) :] != input_shape:
raise ValueError("Last dimension of input doesn't match input schema")
mapping = []
dummy = input.dtype.type(0)
# Figure out how to produce an output from available inputs
for okey, out_idx in output_indices.items():
deps = stokes_conv[okey]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
"Unknown output '%s'. Known types '%s'" % (deps, STOKES_TYPES)
found_conv = False
# Find a mapping for which we have inputs
for (c1, c2), fn in deps.items():
# Get indices for both correlations
c1_idx = (Ellipsis,) + input_indices[c1]
except KeyError:
c2_idx = (Ellipsis,) + input_indices[c2]
except KeyError:
found_conv = True
out_idx = (Ellipsis,) + out_idx
# Figure out the data type for this output
dtype = fn(dummy, dummy).dtype
mapping.append((c1_idx, c2_idx, out_idx, fn, dtype))
# We must find a conversion
if not found_conv:
raise MissingConversionInputs(
"None of the supplied inputs '%s' "
"can produce output '%s'. It can be "
"produced by the following "
"combinations '%s'." % (input_schema, okey, deps.keys())
out_dtype = np.result_type(*[dt for _, _, _, _, dt in mapping])
return mapping, input_shape, output_shape, out_dtype
def convert_impl(input, mapping, in_shape, out_shape, dtype):
# Make the output array
out_shape = input.shape[: -len(in_shape)] + out_shape
output = np.empty(out_shape, dtype=dtype)
for c1_idx, c2_idx, out_idx, fn, _ in mapping:
output[out_idx] = fn(input[c1_idx], input[c2_idx])
return output
def convert(input, input_schema, output_schema):
"""See STOKES_DOCS below"""
# Do the conversion
mapping, in_shape, out_shape, dtype = convert_setup(
input, input_schema, output_schema
return convert_impl(input, mapping, in_shape, out_shape, dtype)
This function converts forward and backward
from stokes ``I,Q,U,V`` to both linear ``XX,XY,YX,YY``
and circular ``RR, RL, LR, LL`` correlations.
For example, we can convert from stokes parameters
to linear correlations:
.. code-block:: python
stokes.shape == (10, 4, 4)
corrs = convert(stokes, ["I", "Q", "U", "V"],
[['XX', 'XY'], ['YX', 'YY'])
assert corrs.shape == (10, 4, 2, 2)
Or circular correlations to stokes:
.. code-block:: python
vis.shape == (10, 4, 2, 2)
stokes = convert(vis, [['RR', 'RL'], ['LR', 'LL']],
['I', 'Q', 'U', 'V'])
assert stokes.shape == (10, 4, 4)
``input`` can ``output`` can be arbitrarily nested or ordered lists,
but the appropriate inputs must be present to produce the requested
The elements of ``input`` and ``output`` may be strings or integers
representing stokes parameters or correlations. See the Notes
for a full list.
Only stokes parameters, linear and circular correlations are
currently handled, but the full list of id's and strings as defined
in the `CASA documentation
.. code-block:: python
input : $(array_type)
Complex or floating point input data of shape
:code:`(dim_1, ..., dim_n, icorr_1, ..., icorr_m)`
input_schema : list of str or int
A schema describing the :code:`icorr_1, ..., icorr_m`
dimension of ``input``. Must have the same shape as
the last dimensions of ``input``.
output_schema : list of str or int
A schema describing the :code:`ocorr_1, ..., ocorr_n`
dimension of the return value.
result : $(array_type)
Result of shape :code:`(dim_1, ..., dim_n, ocorr_1, ..., ocorr_m)`
The type may be floating point or promoted to complex
depending on the combinations in ``output``.
# Fill in the STOKES TYPES
_map_str = ", ".join(["%s: %d" % (t, i) for i, t in enumerate(STOKES_TYPES)])
_map_str = "{{ " + _map_str + " }}"
# Indent must match docstrings
_map_str = fill(_map_str, initial_indent="", subsequent_indent=" " * 8)
CONVERT_DOCS = DocstringTemplate(CONVERT_DOCS.format(stokes_type_map=_map_str))
del _map_str
convert.__doc__ = CONVERT_DOCS.substitute(array_type=":class:`numpy.ndarray`")
except AttributeError: