Source code for africanus.coordinates.coordinates

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

from import DocstringTemplate
from africanus.util.numba import is_numba_type_none, jit, JIT_OPTIONS, njit, overload
from africanus.util.requirements import requires_optional

    from astropy.coordinates import CartesianRepresentation
except ImportError as e:
    opt_import_error = e
    opt_import_error = None

@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True)
def _create_phase_centre(phase_centre, dtype):
    return np.zeros((2,), dtype=dtype)

@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True)
def _return_phase_centre(phase_centre, dtype):
    return phase_centre

[docs] @njit(**JIT_OPTIONS) def radec_to_lmn(radec, phase_centre=None): return radec_to_lmn_impl(radec, phase_centre=phase_centre)
def radec_to_lmn_impl(radec, phase_centre=None): raise NotImplementedError @overload(radec_to_lmn_impl, jit_options=JIT_OPTIONS) def nb_radec_to_lmn(radec, phase_centre=None): dtype = radec.dtype if is_numba_type_none(phase_centre): _maybe_create_phase_centre = _create_phase_centre else: _maybe_create_phase_centre = _return_phase_centre def _radec_to_lmn_impl(radec, phase_centre=None): sources, components = radec.shape if radec.ndim != 2 or components != 2: raise ValueError("radec must have shape (source, 2)") lmn = np.empty(shape=(sources, 3), dtype=dtype) pc_ra, pc_dec = _maybe_create_phase_centre(phase_centre, dtype) sin_pc_dec = np.sin(pc_dec) cos_pc_dec = np.cos(pc_dec) for s in range(sources): ra_delta = radec[s, 0] - pc_ra sin_ra_delta = np.sin(ra_delta) cos_ra_delta = np.cos(ra_delta) sin_dec = np.sin(radec[s, 1]) cos_dec = np.cos(radec[s, 1]) lmn[s, 0] = l = cos_dec * sin_ra_delta # noqa lmn[s, 1] = m = sin_dec * cos_pc_dec - cos_dec * sin_pc_dec * cos_ra_delta lmn[s, 2] = np.sqrt(1.0 - l**2 - m**2) return lmn return _radec_to_lmn_impl
[docs] @njit(**JIT_OPTIONS) def radec_to_lm(radec, phase_centre=None): return radec_to_lm_impl(radec, phase_centre=phase_centre)
def radec_to_lm_impl(radec, phase_centre=None): raise NotImplementedError @overload(radec_to_lm_impl, jit_options=JIT_OPTIONS) def nb_radec_to_lm(radec, phase_centre=None): dtype = radec.dtype if is_numba_type_none(phase_centre): _maybe_create_phase_centre = _create_phase_centre else: _maybe_create_phase_centre = _return_phase_centre def _radec_to_lm_impl(radec, phase_centre=None): sources, components = radec.shape if radec.ndim != 2 or components != 2: raise ValueError("radec must have shape (source, 2)") lm = np.empty(shape=(sources, 2), dtype=dtype) pc_ra, pc_dec = _maybe_create_phase_centre(phase_centre, dtype) sin_pc_dec = np.sin(pc_dec) cos_pc_dec = np.cos(pc_dec) for s in range(sources): da = radec[s, 0] - pc_ra sin_ra_delta = np.sin(da) cos_ra_delta = np.cos(da) sin_dec = np.sin(radec[s, 1]) cos_dec = np.cos(radec[s, 1]) lm[s, 0] = cos_dec * sin_ra_delta lm[s, 1] = sin_dec * cos_pc_dec - cos_dec * sin_pc_dec * cos_ra_delta return lm return _radec_to_lm_impl
[docs] @njit(**JIT_OPTIONS) def lmn_to_radec(lmn, phase_centre=None): return lmn_to_radec_impl(lmn, phase_centre=phase_centre)
def lmn_to_radec_impl(lmn, phase_centre=None): raise NotImplementedError @overload(lmn_to_radec_impl, jit_options=JIT_OPTIONS) def nb_lmn_to_radec(lmn, phase_centre=None): dtype = lmn.dtype if is_numba_type_none(phase_centre): _maybe_create_phase_centre = _create_phase_centre else: _maybe_create_phase_centre = _return_phase_centre def _lmn_to_radec_impl(lmn, phase_centre=None): if lmn.ndim != 2 or lmn.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError("lmn must have shape (source, 3)") radec = np.empty(shape=(lmn.shape[0], 2), dtype=dtype) pc_ra, pc_dec = _maybe_create_phase_centre(phase_centre, dtype) sin_pc_dec = np.sin(pc_dec) cos_pc_dec = np.cos(pc_dec) for s in range(radec.shape[0]): l, m, n = lmn[s] radec[s, 1] = np.arcsin(m * cos_pc_dec + n * sin_pc_dec) radec[s, 0] = pc_ra + np.arctan(l / (n * cos_pc_dec - m * sin_pc_dec)) return radec return _lmn_to_radec_impl
[docs] @njit(**JIT_OPTIONS) def lm_to_radec(lm, phase_centre=None): return lm_to_radec_impl(lm, phase_centre=phase_centre)
def lm_to_radec_impl(lm, phase_centre=None): raise NotImplementedError @overload(lm_to_radec_impl, jit_options=JIT_OPTIONS) def nb_lm_to_radec(lm, phase_centre=None): dtype = lm.dtype if is_numba_type_none(phase_centre): _maybe_create_phase_centre = _create_phase_centre else: _maybe_create_phase_centre = _return_phase_centre def _lm_to_radec_impl(lm, phase_centre=None): if lm.ndim != 2 or lm.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("lm must have shape (source, 2)") radec = np.empty(shape=(lm.shape[0], 2), dtype=dtype) pc_ra, pc_dec = _maybe_create_phase_centre(phase_centre, dtype) sin_pc_dec = np.sin(pc_dec) cos_pc_dec = np.cos(pc_dec) for s in range(radec.shape[0]): l, m = lm[s] n = np.sqrt(1.0 - l**2 - m**2) radec[s, 1] = np.arcsin(m * cos_pc_dec + n * sin_pc_dec) radec[s, 0] = pc_ra + np.arctan(l / (n * cos_pc_dec - m * sin_pc_dec)) return radec return _lm_to_radec_impl @requires_optional("astropy", opt_import_error) def astropy_radec_to_lmn(radec, phase_centre): """ Astropy radec_to_lmn conversion, useful for testing. Parameters ---------- radec : :class:`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Sky coordinates phase_centre : :class:`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Phase Centre Returns ------- lmn : :class:`numpy.ndarray` lmn coordinates of shape :code:`(source, 3)` """ # Transform radec relative to phase centre relative = radec.transform_to(phase_centre.skyoffset_frame()) ret = relative.represent_as(CartesianRepresentation) # Rearrange astropy's coordinates into lmn convention result = np.empty((ret.x.value.shape[0], 3), dtype=ret.x.value.dtype) result[:, 0] = ret.y.value result[:, 1] = ret.z.value result[:, 2] = ret.x.value return result RADEC_TO_LMN_DOCS = DocstringTemplate( r""" Converts Right-Ascension/Declination coordinates in radians to a Direction Cosine lm coordinates, relative to the Phase Centre. .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{eqnarray} & l =& \, \cos \, \delta \sin \, \Delta \alpha \\ & m =& \, \sin \, \delta \cos \, \delta 0 - \cos \delta \sin \delta 0 \cos \Delta \alpha \\ & n =& \, \sqrt{1 - l^2 - m^2} - 1 \end{eqnarray} where :math:`\Delta \alpha = \alpha - \alpha 0` is the difference between the Right Ascension of each coordinate and the phase centre and :math:`\delta 0` is the Declination of the phase centre. Parameters ---------- radec : $(array_type) radec coordinates of shape :code:`(coord, 2)` where Right-Ascension and Declination are in the last 2 components, respectively. phase_centre : $(array_type), optional radec coordinates of the Phase Centre. Shape :code:`(2,)` Returns ------- $(array_type) lm Direction Cosines of shape :code:`(coord, $(lm_components))` """ ) LMN_TO_RADEC_DOCS = DocstringTemplate( r""" Convert Direction Cosine lm coordinates to Right Ascension/Declination coordinates in radians, relative to the Phase Centre. .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{eqnarray} & \delta = & \, \arcsin \left( m \cos \delta 0 + n \sin \delta 0 \right) \\ & \alpha = & \, \arctan \left( \frac{l}{n \cos \delta 0 - m \sin \delta 0} \right) \\ \end{eqnarray} where :math:`\alpha` is the Right Ascension of each coordinate and the phase centre and :math:`\delta 0` is the Declination of the phase centre. Parameters ---------- $(lm_name) : $(array_type) lm Direction Cosines of shape :code:`(coord, $(lm_components))` phase_centre : $(array_type), optional radec coordinates of the Phase Centre. Shape :code:`(2,)` Returns ------- $(array_type) radec coordinates of shape :code:`(coord, 2)` where Right-Ascension and Declination are in the last 2 components, respectively. """ ) try: radec_to_lmn.__doc__ = RADEC_TO_LMN_DOCS.substitute( lm_components="3", array_type=":class:`numpy.ndarray`" ) radec_to_lm.__doc__ = RADEC_TO_LMN_DOCS.substitute( lm_components="2", array_type=":class:`numpy.ndarray`" ) lmn_to_radec.__doc__ = LMN_TO_RADEC_DOCS.substitute( lm_name="lmn", lm_components="3", array_type=":class:`numpy.ndarray`" ) lm_to_radec.__doc__ = LMN_TO_RADEC_DOCS.substitute( lm_name="lm", lm_components="2", array_type=":class:`numpy.ndarray`" ) except AttributeError: pass