Source code for africanus.gridding.wgridder.vis2im

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    from ducc0.wgridder import ms2dirty
except ImportError as e:
    ducc_import_error = e
    ducc_import_error = None

import numpy as np
from import DocstringTemplate
from africanus.util.requirements import requires_optional

@requires_optional('ducc0.wgridder', ducc_import_error)
def _dirty_internal(uvw, freq, vis, freq_bin_idx, freq_bin_counts, nx, ny,
                    cell, weights, flag, celly, epsilon, nthreads,
    # adjust for chunking
    # need a copy here if using multiple row chunks
    freq_bin_idx2 = freq_bin_idx - freq_bin_idx.min()
    nband = freq_bin_idx.size
    if type(vis[0, 0]) == np.complex64:
        real_type = np.float32
    elif type(vis[0, 0]) == np.complex128:
        real_type = np.float64
        raise ValueError("Vis of incorrect type")
    # the extra dimension is required to allow for chunking over row
    dirty = np.zeros((1, nband, nx, ny), dtype=real_type)
    for i in range(nband):
        ind = slice(freq_bin_idx2[i], freq_bin_idx2[i] + freq_bin_counts[i])
        if weights is not None:
            wgt = weights[:, ind]
            wgt = None
        if flag is not None:
            mask = flag[:, ind]
            mask = None
        dirty[0, i] = ms2dirty(uvw=uvw, freq=freq[ind], ms=vis[:, ind],
                               wgt=wgt, npix_x=nx, npix_y=ny,
                               pixsize_x=cell, pixsize_y=celly,
                               nu=0, nv=0, epsilon=epsilon,
                               nthreads=nthreads, mask=mask,
    return dirty

# This additional wrapper is required to allow the dask wrappers
# to chunk over row
[docs]@requires_optional('ducc0.wgridder', ducc_import_error) def dirty(uvw, freq, vis, freq_bin_idx, freq_bin_counts, nx, ny, cell, weights=None, flag=None, celly=None, epsilon=1e-5, nthreads=1, do_wstacking=True): if celly is None: celly = cell if not nthreads: import multiprocessing nthreads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() dirty = _dirty_internal(uvw, freq, vis, freq_bin_idx, freq_bin_counts, nx, ny, cell, weights, flag, celly, epsilon, nthreads, do_wstacking) return dirty[0]
DIRTY_DOCS = DocstringTemplate( r""" Compute visibility to image mapping using ducc gridder i.e. .. math:: I^D = R^\dagger \Sigma^{-1} V where :math:`R^\dagger` is an implicit gridding operator, :math:`V` denotes visibilities of shape :code:`(row, chan)` and :math:`I^D` is the dirty image of shape :code:`(band, nx, ny)`. The number of imaging bands :code:`(band)` must be less than or equal to the number of channels :code:`(chan)` at which the data were obtained. The mapping from :code:`(chan)` to :code:`(band)` is described by :code:`freq_bin_idx` and :code:`freq_bin_counts` as described below. Note that, if self adjoint gridding and degridding operators are required then :code:`weights` should be the square root of what is typically referred to as imaging weights and should also be passed into the degridder. In this case, the data needs to be pre-whitened. Parameters ---------- uvw : $(array_type) uvw coordinates at which visibilities were obtained with shape :code:`(row, 3)`. freq : $(array_type) Observational frequencies of shape :code:`(chan,)`. vis : $(array_type) Visibilities of shape :code:`(row,chan)`. freq_bin_idx : $(array_type) Starting indices of frequency bins for each imaging band of shape :code:`(band,)`. freq_bin_counts : $(array_type) The number of channels in each imaging band of shape :code:`(band,)`. cell : float The cell size of a pixel along the :math:`x` direction in radians. weights : $(array_type), optional Imaging weights of shape :code:`(row, chan)`. flag: $(array_type), optional Flags of shape :code:`(row,chan)`. Will only process visibilities for which flag!=0 celly : float, optional The cell size of a pixel along the :math:`y` direction in radians. By default same as cell size along :math:`x` direction. epsilon : float, optional The precision of the gridder with respect to the direct Fourier transform. By deafult, this is set to :code:`1e-5` for single precision and :code:`1e-7` for double precision. nthreads : int, optional The number of threads to use. Defaults to one. If set to zero will use all available cores. do_wstacking : bool, optional Whether to correct for the w-term or not. Defaults to True Returns ------- model : $(array_type) Dirty image corresponding to visibilities of shape :code:`(nband, nx, ny)`. """) try: dirty.__doc__ = DIRTY_DOCS.substitute( array_type=":class:`numpy.ndarray`") except AttributeError: pass