Source code for africanus.gridding.nifty.dask

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    from import Mapping
except ImportError:
    from collections import Mapping

import numpy as np

    import dask
    import dask.array as da
    from dask.base import normalize_token
    from dask.highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph
except ImportError as e:
    import_error = e
    import_error = None

    import nifty_gridder as ng
except ImportError:
    nifty_import_err = ImportError("Please manually install nifty_gridder "
    nifty_import_err = None

from africanus.util.requirements import requires_optional

class GridderConfigWrapper(object):
    Wraps a nifty GridderConfiguration for pickling purposes.

    def __init__(self, nx=1024, ny=1024, eps=2e-13,
                 cell_size_x=2.0, cell_size_y=2.0):
        self.nx = nx
        self.ny = ny
        self.csx = cell_size_x
        self.csy = cell_size_y
        self.eps = eps
        self.grid_config = ng.GridderConfig(nx, ny, eps,

    def object(self):
        return self.grid_config

    def __reduce__(self):
        return (GridderConfigWrapper,
                (self.nx, self.ny, self.eps, self.csx, self.csy))

if import_error is None:
    def normalize_gridder_config_wrapper(gc):
        return normalize_token((gc.nx, gc.ny, gc.csx, gc.csy, gc.eps))

[docs]@requires_optional("dask.array", import_error) @requires_optional("nifty_gridder", nifty_import_err) def grid_config(nx=1024, ny=1024, eps=2e-13, cell_size_x=2.0, cell_size_y=2.0): """ Returns a wrapper around a NIFTY GridderConfiguration object. Parameters ---------- nx : int, optional Number of X pixels in the grid. Defaults to 1024. ny : int, optional Number of Y pixels in the grid. Defaults to 1024. cell_size_x : float, optional Cell size of the X pixel in arcseconds. Defaults to 2.0. cell_size_y : float, optional Cell size of the Y pixel in arcseconds. Defaults to 2.0. eps : float Gridder accuracy error. Defaults to 2e-13 Returns ------- grid_config : :class:`GridderConfigWrapper` The NIFTY Gridder Configuration """ return GridderConfigWrapper(nx, ny, eps, cell_size_x, cell_size_y)
def _nifty_baselines(uvw, chan_freq): """ Wrapper function for creating baseline mappings per row chunk """ assert len(chan_freq) == 1, "Handle multiple channel chunks" return ng.Baselines(uvw[0], chan_freq[0]) def _nifty_indices(baselines, grid_config, flag, chan_begin, chan_end, wmin, wmax): """ Wrapper function for creating indices per row chunk """ return ng.getIndices(baselines, grid_config, flag[0], chan_begin, chan_end, wmin, wmax) def _nifty_grid(baselines, grid_config, indices, vis, weights): """ Wrapper function for creating a grid of visibilities per row chunk """ assert len(vis) == 1 and type(vis) is list return ng.ms2grid_c(baselines, grid_config, indices, vis[0], None, weights[0])[None, :, :] def _nifty_grid_streams(baselines, grid_config, indices, vis, weights, grid_in=None): """ Wrapper function for creating a grid of visibilities per row chunk """ return ng.ms2grid_c(baselines, grid_config, indices, vis, grid_in, weights) class GridStreamReduction(Mapping): """ tl;dr this is a dictionary that is expanded in place when first accessed. Saves memory when pickled for sending to the dask scheduler. See :class:`dask.blockwise.Blockwise` for further insight. Produces graph serially summing coherencies in ``stream`` parallel streams. """ def __init__(self, baselines, indices, gc, corr_vis, corr_weights, corr, streams): token = dask.base.tokenize(baselines, indices, gc, corr_vis, corr_weights, corr, streams) = "-".join(("nifty-grid-stream", str(corr), token)) self.bl_name = self.idx_name = self.cvis_name = self.wgt_name = self.gc = gc self.corr = corr self.row_blocks = indices.numblocks[0] self.streams = streams @property def _dict(self): if hasattr(self, "_cached_dict"): return self._cached_dict else: self._cached_dict = self._create_dict() return self._cached_dict def __getitem__(self, key): return self._dict[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._dict) def __len__(self): # Extract dimension blocks return self.row_blocks def _create_dict(self): # Graph dictionary layers = {} name = gc = self.gc row_blocks = self.row_blocks streams = self.streams indices_name = self.idx_name baselines_name = self.bl_name corr_vis_name = self.cvis_name corr_wgt_name = self.wgt_name cb = 0 # Assume single channel # Split our row blocks by the number of streams # For all blocks in a stream, we'll grid those # blocks serially, passing one grid into the other row_block_chunks = (row_blocks + streams - 1) // streams for rb_start in range(0, row_blocks, row_block_chunks): rb_end = min(rb_start + row_block_chunks, row_blocks) last_key = None for rb in range(rb_start, rb_end): fn = (_nifty_grid_streams, (baselines_name, rb), gc, (indices_name, rb), (corr_vis_name, rb, cb), (corr_wgt_name, rb, cb), # Re-use grid from last operation if present last_key) key = (name, rb, cb) layers[key] = fn last_key = key return layers class FinalGridReduction(Mapping): """ tl;dr this is a dictionary that is expanded in place when first accessed. Saves memory when pickled for sending to the dask scheduler. See :class:`dask.blockwise.Blockwise` for further insight. Produces graph serially summing coherencies in ``stream`` parallel streams. """ def __init__(self, grid_stream_reduction): self.in_name = token = dask.base.tokenize(grid_stream_reduction) = "grid-stream-reduction-" + token self.row_blocks = grid_stream_reduction.row_blocks self.streams = grid_stream_reduction.streams @property def _dict(self): if hasattr(self, "_cached_dict"): return self._cached_dict else: self._cached_dict = self._create_dict() return self._cached_dict def __getitem__(self, key): return self._dict[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._dict) def __len__(self): # Always returns a single block, corresponding to one image return 1 def _create_dict(self): # Graph dictionary layers = {} row_blocks = self.row_blocks streams = self.streams cb = 0 # Assume single channel # Split our row blocks by the number of streams # For all blocks in a stream, we'll grid those # blocks serially, passing one grid into the other row_block_chunks = (row_blocks + streams - 1) // streams last_keys = [] for ob, rb_start in enumerate(range(0, row_blocks, row_block_chunks)): rb_end = min(rb_start + row_block_chunks, row_blocks) last_keys.append((self.in_name, rb_end - 1, cb)) key = (, 0, 0) task = (sum, last_keys) layers[key] = task return layers
[docs]@requires_optional("dask.array", import_error) @requires_optional("nifty_gridder", nifty_import_err) def grid(vis, uvw, flags, weights, frequencies, grid_config, wmin=-1e30, wmax=1e30, streams=None): """ Grids the supplied visibilities in parallel. Note that a grid is create for each visibility chunk. Parameters ---------- vis : :class:`dask.array.Array` visibilities of shape :code:`(row, chan, corr)` uvw : :class:`dask.array.Array` uvw coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)` flags : :class:`dask.array.Array` flags of shape :code:`(row, chan, corr)` weights : :class:`dask.array.Array` weights of shape :code:`(row, chan, corr)`. frequencies : :class:`dask.array.Array` frequencies of shape :code:`(chan,)` grid_config : :class:`GridderConfigWrapper` Gridding Configuration wmin : float Minimum W coordinate to grid. Defaults to -1e30. wmax : float Maximum W coordinate to grid. Default to 1e30. streams : int, optional Number of parallel gridding operations. Default to None, in which case as many grids as visibility chunks will be created. Returns ------- grid : :class:`dask.array.Array` grid of shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr)` """ if len(frequencies.chunks[0]) != 1: raise ValueError("Chunking in channel currently unsupported") # Create a baseline object per row chunk baselines = da.blockwise(_nifty_baselines, ("row",), uvw, ("row", "uvw"), frequencies, ("chan",), dtype=np.object) if len(frequencies.chunks[0]) != 1: raise ValueError("Chunking in channel unsupported") gc = grid_config.object grids = [] for corr in range(vis.shape[2]): corr_flags = flags[:, :, corr] corr_vis = vis[:, :, corr] corr_weights = weights[:, :, corr] indices = da.blockwise(_nifty_indices, ("row",), baselines, ("row",), gc, None, corr_flags, ("row", "chan"), -1, None, # channel begin -1, None, # channel end wmin, None, wmax, None, dtype=np.int32) if streams is None: # Standard parallel reduction, possibly memory hungry # if many threads (and thus grids) are gridding # parallel grid = da.blockwise(_nifty_grid, ("row", "nu", "nv"), baselines, ("row",), gc, None, indices, ("row",), corr_vis, ("row", "chan"), corr_weights, ("row", "chan"), new_axes={"nu": gc.Nu(), "nv": gc.Nv()}, adjust_chunks={"row": 1}, dtype=np.complex128) grids.append(grid.sum(axis=0)) else: # Stream reduction layers = GridStreamReduction(baselines, indices, gc, corr_vis, corr_weights, corr, streams) deps = [baselines, indices, corr_vis, corr_weights] graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(, layers, deps) chunks = corr_vis.chunks grid_stream_red = da.Array(graph,, chunks, vis.dtype) layers = FinalGridReduction(layers) deps = [grid_stream_red] graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(, layers, deps) chunks = ((gc.Nu(),), (gc.Nv(),)) corr_grid = da.Array(graph,, chunks, vis.dtype) grids.append(corr_grid) return da.stack(grids, axis=2)
def _nifty_dirty(grid, grid_config): """ Wrapper function for creating a dirty image """ grids = [grid_config.grid2dirty_c(grid[:, :, c]).real for c in range(grid.shape[2])] return np.stack(grids, axis=2)
[docs]@requires_optional("dask.array", import_error) @requires_optional("nifty_gridder", nifty_import_err) def dirty(grid, grid_config): """ Computes the dirty image from gridded visibilities and the gridding configuration. Parameters ---------- grid : :class:`dask.array.Array` Gridded visibilities of shape :code:`(nv, nu, ncorr)` grid_config : :class:`GridderConfigWrapper` Gridding configuration Returns ------- dirty : :class:`dask.array.Array` dirty image of shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr)` """ gc = grid_config.object nx = gc.Nxdirty() ny = gc.Nydirty() return da.blockwise(_nifty_dirty, ("nx", "ny", "corr"), grid, ("nx", "ny", "corr"), gc, None, adjust_chunks={"nx": nx, "ny": ny}, dtype=grid.real.dtype)
def _nifty_model(image, grid_config): """ Wrapper function for creating a dirty image """ images = [grid_config.dirty2grid_c(image[:, :, c]) for c in range(image.shape[2])] return np.stack(images, axis=2)
[docs]@requires_optional("dask.array", import_error) @requires_optional("nifty_gridder", nifty_import_err) def model(image, grid_config): """ Computes model visibilities from an image and a gridding configuration. Parameters ---------- image : :class:`dask.array.Array` Image of shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr)`. grid_config : :class:`GridderConfigWrapper` nifty gridding configuration object Returns ------- model_vis : :class:`dask.array.Array` Model visibilities of shape :code:`(nu, nv, corr)`. """ gc = grid_config.object nu = gc.Nu() nv = gc.Nv() return da.blockwise(_nifty_model, ("nu", "nv", "corr"), image, ("nu", "nv", "corr"), gc, None, adjust_chunks={"nu": nu, "nv": nv}, dtype=image.dtype)
def _nifty_degrid(grid, baselines, indices, grid_config): assert len(grid) == 1 and len(grid[0]) == 1 return ng.grid2ms_c(baselines, grid_config.object, indices, grid[0][0])
[docs]@requires_optional("dask.array", import_error) @requires_optional("nifty_gridder", nifty_import_err) def degrid(grid, uvw, flags, weights, frequencies, grid_config, wmin=-1e30, wmax=1e30): """ Degrids the visibilities from the supplied grid in parallel. Parameters ---------- grid : :class:`dask.array.Array` gridded visibilities of shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr)` uvw : :class:`dask.array.Array` uvw coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)` flags : :class:`dask.array.Array` flags of shape :code:`(row, chan, corr)` weights : :class:`dask.array.Array` weights of shape :code:`(row, chan, corr)`. Currently unsupported and ignored. frequencies : :class:`dask.array.Array` frequencies of shape :code:`(chan,)` grid_config : :class:`GridderConfigWrapper` Gridding Configuration wmin : float Minimum W coordinate to grid. Defaults to -1e30. wmax : float Maximum W coordinate to grid. Default to 1e30. Returns ------- grid : :class:`dask.array.Array` grid of shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr)` """ if len(frequencies.chunks[0]) != 1: raise ValueError("Chunking in channel currently unsupported") # Create a baseline object per row chunk baselines = da.blockwise(_nifty_baselines, ("row",), uvw, ("row", "uvw"), frequencies, ("chan",), dtype=np.object) gc = grid_config.object vis_chunks = [] for corr in range(grid.shape[2]): corr_flags = flags[:, :, corr].map_blocks(np.require, requirements="C") corr_grid = grid[:, :, corr].map_blocks(np.require, requirements="C") indices = da.blockwise(_nifty_indices, ("row",), baselines, ("row",), gc, None, corr_flags, ("row", "chan"), -1, None, # channel begin -1, None, # channel end wmin, None, wmax, None, dtype=np.int32) vis = da.blockwise(_nifty_degrid, ("row", "chan"), corr_grid, ("ny", "nx"), baselines, ("row",), indices, ("row",), grid_config, None, new_axes={"chan": frequencies.shape[0]}, dtype=grid.dtype) vis_chunks.append(vis) return da.stack(vis_chunks, axis=2)