Source code for africanus.rime.zernike

import numpy as np

from africanus.util.numba import jit

@jit(nogil=True, nopython=True, cache=True)
def fac(x):
    if x < 0:
        raise ValueError("Factorial input is negative.")
    if x == 0:
        return 1
    factorial = 1
    for i in range(1, x + 1):
        factorial *= i
    return factorial

@jit(nogil=True, nopython=True, cache=True)
def pre_fac(k, n, m):
    numerator = (-1.0)**k * fac(n-k)
    denominator = (fac(k) * fac((n+m)/2.0 - k) * fac((n-m)/2.0 - k))
    return numerator / denominator

@jit(nogil=True, nopython=True, cache=True)
def zernike_rad(m, n, rho):
    if (n < 0 or m < 0 or abs(m) > n):
        raise ValueError("m and n values are incorrect.")
    radial_component = 0
    for k in range((n-m)/2+1):
        radial_component += pre_fac(k, n, m) * rho ** (n - 2.0 * k)
    return radial_component

@jit(nogil=True, nopython=True, cache=True)
def zernike(j, rho, phi):
    if rho > 1:
        return 0 + 0j
    j += 1
    n = 0
    j1 = j-1
    while (j1 > n):
        n += 1
        j1 -= n
    m = (-1)**j * ((n % 2) + 2 * int((j1+((n+1) % 2)) / 2.0))
    if (m > 0):
        return zernike_rad(m, n, rho) * np.cos(m * phi)
    if (m < 0):
        return zernike_rad(-m, n, rho) * np.sin(-m * phi)
    return zernike_rad(0, n, rho)

@jit(nogil=True, nopython=True, cache=True)
def _convert_coords(l, m):  # noqa: E741
    rho, phi = (l**2 + m ** 2) ** 0.5, np.arctan2(l, m)
    return rho, phi

@jit(nogil=True, nopython=True, cache=True)
def nb_zernike_dde(coords, coeffs, noll_index, out):
    sources, times, ants, chans, corrs = out.shape
    npoly = coeffs.shape[-1]

    for s in range(sources):
        for t in range(times):
            for a in range(ants):
                for c in range(chans):
                    l, m, freq = coords[:, s, t, a, c]
                    rho, phi = _convert_coords(l, m)

                    for co in range(corrs):
                        zernike_sum = 0

                        for p in range(npoly):
                            zc = coeffs[a, c, co, p]
                            zn = noll_index[a, c, co, p]
                            zernike_sum += zc * zernike(zn, rho, phi)

                        out[s, t, a, c, co] = zernike_sum

    return out

[docs]def zernike_dde(coords, coeffs, noll_index): """ Wrapper for :func:`nb_zernike_dde` """ _, sources, times, ants, chans = coords.shape # ant, chan, corr_1, ..., corr_n, poly corr_shape = coeffs.shape[2:-1] npoly = coeffs.shape[-1] # Flatten correlation dimensions for numba function fcorrs = np.product(corr_shape) ddes = np.empty((sources, times, ants, chans, fcorrs), coeffs.dtype) coeffs = coeffs.reshape((ants, chans, fcorrs, npoly)) noll_index = noll_index.reshape((ants, chans, fcorrs, npoly)) result = nb_zernike_dde(coords, coeffs, noll_index, ddes) # Reshape to full correlation size return result.reshape((sources, times, ants, chans) + corr_shape)
_ZERNICKE_DOCSTRING = ( """ Computes Direction Dependent Effects by evaluating `Zernicke Polynomials <zernike_wiki_>`_ defined by coefficients ``coeffs`` and noll indexes ``noll_index`` at the specified coordinates ``coords``. Decomposition of a voxel beam cube into Zernicke polynomial coefficients can be achieved through the use of the eidos_ package. .. _zernike_wiki: .. _eidos: Parameters --------------- coords : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Float coordinates at which to evaluate the zernike polynomials. Has shape :code:`(3, source, time, ant, chan)`. The three components in the first dimension represent l, m and frequency coordinates, respectively. coeffs : :class:`numpy.ndarray` complex Zernicke polynomial coefficients. Has shape :code:`(ant, chan, corr_1, ..., corr_n, poly)` where ``poly`` is the number of polynomial coefficients and ``corr_1, ..., corr_n`` are a variable number of correlation dimensions. noll_index : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Noll index associated with each polynomial coefficient. Has shape :code:`(ant, chan, corr_1, ..., corr_n, poly)`. Returns ---------- dde : :class:`numpy.ndarray` complex values with shape :code:`(source, time, ant, chan, corr_1, ..., corr_n)` """) zernike_dde.__doc__ = _ZERNICKE_DOCSTRING