Source code for africanus.gridding.simple.dask

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from functools import reduce
from operator import mul

import numpy as np

from africanus.gridding.simple.gridding import (grid as np_grid_fn,
                                                degrid as np_degrid_fn)
from import mod_docs
from africanus.util.requirements import requires_optional

    import dask.array as da
except ImportError as e:
    da_import_error = e
    da_import_error = None

# Unfortunately necessary to introduce an extra dim
# for blockwise to work properly
def _grid_fn(vis, uvw, flags, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter,
             cell_size, nx, ny):
    return np_grid_fn(vis[0], uvw[0], flags[0], weights[0],
                      ref_wave[0], convolution_filter,
                      nx=nx, ny=ny)[None, :]

[docs]@requires_optional('dask.array', da_import_error) def grid(vis, uvw, flags, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter, cell_size, nx=1024, ny=1024): """ Documentation below """ # Creation correlation dimension strings for each correlation corrs = tuple('corr-%d' % i for i in range(len(vis.shape[2:]))) # Get grids, stacked by row grids = da.core.blockwise(_grid_fn, ("row", "ny", "nx") + corrs, vis, ("row", "chan") + corrs, uvw, ("row", "(u,v,w)"), flags, ("row", "chan") + corrs, weights, ("row", "chan") + corrs, ref_wave, ("chan",), new_axes={"ny": ny, "nx": nx}, adjust_chunks={"row": 1}, convolution_filter=convolution_filter, cell_size=cell_size, ny=ny, nx=nx, dtype=vis.dtype) # Sum grids over the row dimension to produce (ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2) return grids.sum(axis=0)
[docs]@requires_optional('dask.array', da_import_error) def degrid(grid, uvw, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter, cell_size): """ Documentation below """ grid_flat_corrs = reduce(mul, grid.shape[2:]) weight_flat_corrs = reduce(mul, weights.shape[2:]) assert grid_flat_corrs == weight_flat_corrs assert uvw.shape[0] == weights.shape[0] assert weights.shape[1] == ref_wave.shape[0] # Creation correlation dimension strings for each correlation corrs = tuple('corr-%d' % i for i in range(len(grid.shape[2:]))) return da.core.blockwise(np_degrid_fn, ("row", "chan") + corrs, grid, ("ny", "nx") + corrs, uvw, ("row", "(u,v,w)"), weights, ("row", "chan") + corrs, ref_wave, ("chan",), concatenate=True, convolution_filter=convolution_filter, cell_size=cell_size, dtype=np.complex64)
grid.__doc__ = mod_docs(np_grid_fn.__doc__, [(":class:`numpy.ndarray`", ":class:`dask.array.Array`"), ("np.ones_like", "da.ones_like"), ("np.zeros_like", "da.zeros_like")]) degrid.__doc__ = mod_docs(np_degrid_fn.__doc__, [(":class:`numpy.ndarray`", ":class:`dask.array.Array`"), ("np.ones_like", "da.ones_like"), ("np.zeros_like", "da.zeros_like")])