Source code for africanus.gridding.simple.gridding

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from functools import reduce
from operator import mul

from africanus.util.numba import jit

import numpy as np

_ARCSEC2RAD = np.deg2rad(1.0/(60*60))

@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True)
def numba_grid(vis, uvw, flags, weights, ref_wave,
               convolution_filter, cell_size, grid):
    See :func:"~africanus.gridding.simple.gridding.grid" for
    cf = convolution_filter

    # Shape checks
    assert vis.shape[0] == uvw.shape[0] == flags.shape[0] == weights.shape[0]
    assert vis.shape[1] == flags.shape[1] == weights.shape[1]
    assert vis.shape[2] == flags.shape[2] == weights.shape[2]

    nrow, nchan = vis.shape[0:2]
    assert nchan == ref_wave.shape[0]
    corrs = vis.shape[2:]

    ny, nx = grid.shape[0:2]
    flat_corrs = grid.shape[2]

    # Similarity Theorem
    # Scale UV coordinates
    # Note u => x and v => y
    u_scale = _ARCSEC2RAD * cell_size * nx
    v_scale = _ARCSEC2RAD * cell_size * ny

    # Flatten correlation dimension for easier loop handling
    fvis = vis.reshape((nrow, nchan, flat_corrs))
    fflags = flags.reshape((nrow, nchan, flat_corrs))
    fweights = weights.reshape((nrow, nchan, flat_corrs))

    filter_index = np.arange(-cf.half_sup, cf.half_sup+1)

    half_x = nx // 2
    half_y = ny // 2

    for r in range(uvw.shape[0]):                 # row (vis)
        for f in range(vis.shape[1]):             # channel (freq)
            # Exact UV coordinates
            exact_u = uvw[r, 0] * u_scale / ref_wave[f]
            exact_v = uvw[r, 1] * v_scale / ref_wave[f]

            # Discretised UV coordinates
            disc_u = int(np.round(exact_u))
            disc_v = int(np.round(exact_v))

            extent_u = disc_u + half_x
            extent_v = disc_v + half_y

            # Out of bounds check
            if (extent_v + cf.half_sup >= ny or
                extent_u + cf.half_sup >= nx or
                extent_v - cf.half_sup < 0 or
                    extent_u - cf.half_sup < 0):

            # One plus half support (our kernels have 1 pixel of extra padding)
            one_half_sup = 1 + cf.half_sup

            # Compute fractional u and v
            base_frac_u = disc_u - exact_u
            base_frac_v = disc_v - exact_v

            frac_u = int(np.round(base_frac_u*cf.oversample))
            frac_v = int(np.round(base_frac_v*cf.oversample))

            # Iterate over v/y
            for conv_v in filter_index:
                v_idx = (conv_v + one_half_sup)*cf.oversample + frac_v
                grid_v = disc_v + conv_v + half_y

                # Iterate over u/x
                for conv_u in filter_index:
                    u_idx = (conv_u + one_half_sup)*cf.oversample + frac_u
                    conv_weight = cf.filter_taps[v_idx, u_idx]
                    grid_u = disc_u + conv_u + half_x

                    for c in range(flat_corrs):      # correlation
                        # Ignore flagged correlations
                        if fflags[r, f, c] > 0:

                        # Grid the visibility
                        grid[grid_v, grid_u, c] += (fvis[r, f, c] *
                                                    conv_weight *
                                                    fweights[r, f, c])

    return grid.reshape((ny, nx) + corrs)

[docs]def grid(vis, uvw, flags, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter, cell_size, nx=1024, ny=1024, grid=None): """ Convolutional gridder which grids visibilities ``vis`` at the specified ``uvw`` coordinates and ``ref_wave`` reference wavelengths using the specified ``convolution_filter``. Variable numbers of correlations are supported. * :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` ``vis`` will result in a :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)` ``grid``. * :code:`(row, chan, corr_1)` ``vis`` will result in a :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1)` ``grid``. Parameters ---------- vis : np.ndarray complex visibility array of shape :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` uvw : np.ndarray float64 array of UVW coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)` in wavelengths. weights : np.ndarray float32 or float64 array of weights. Set this to ``np.ones_like(vis, dtype=np.float32)`` as default. flags : np.ndarray flagged array of shape :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)`. Any positive quantity will indicate that the corresponding visibility should be flagged. Set to ``np.zeros_like(vis, dtype=np.bool)`` as default. ref_wave : np.ndarray float64 array of wavelengths of shape :code:`(chan,)` convolution_filter : :class:`~africanus.filters.ConvolutionFilter` Convolution filter cell_size : float Cell size in arcseconds. nx : integer, optional Size of the grid's X dimension ny : integer, optional Size of the grid's Y dimension grid : np.ndarray, optional complex64/complex128 array of shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)` If supplied, this array will be used as the gridding target, and ``nx`` and ``ny`` will be derived from this grid's dimensions. Returns ------- np.ndarray :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)` complex ndarray of gridded visibilities. The number of correlations may vary, depending on the shape of vis. """ # Flatten the correlation dimensions corrs = vis.shape[2:] flat_corrs = (reduce(mul, corrs),) # Create grid of flatten correlations or reshape if grid is None: grid = np.zeros((ny, nx) + flat_corrs, dtype=vis.dtype) else: ny, nx = grid.shape[0:2] grid = grid.reshape((ny, nx) + flat_corrs) return numba_grid(vis, uvw, flags, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter, cell_size, grid)
@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True) def numba_degrid(grid, uvw, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter, cell_size, vis): """ See :func:"~africanus.gridding.simple.gridding.degrid" for documentation. """ cf = convolution_filter ny, nx, flat_corrs = grid.shape # Similarity Theorem # # Scale UV coordinates # Note u => x and v => y u_scale = _ARCSEC2RAD * cell_size * nx v_scale = _ARCSEC2RAD * cell_size * ny filter_index = np.arange(-cf.half_sup, cf.half_sup+1) half_x = nx // 2 half_y = ny // 2 for r in range(uvw.shape[0]): # row (vis) for f in range(vis.shape[1]): # channel (freq) exact_u = uvw[r, 0] * u_scale / ref_wave[f] exact_v = uvw[r, 1] * v_scale / ref_wave[f] disc_u = int(np.round(exact_u)) disc_v = int(np.round(exact_v)) extent_v = disc_v + half_y extent_u = disc_u + half_x # Out of bounds check if (extent_v + cf.half_sup >= ny or extent_u + cf.half_sup >= nx or extent_v - cf.half_sup < 0 or extent_u - cf.half_sup < 0): continue # One plus half support one_half_sup = 1 + cf.half_sup # Compute fractional u and v base_frac_u = disc_u - exact_u base_frac_v = disc_v - exact_v frac_u = int(np.round(base_frac_u*cf.oversample)) frac_v = int(np.round(base_frac_v*cf.oversample)) # Iterate over v/y for conv_v in filter_index: v_idx = (conv_v + one_half_sup)*cf.oversample + frac_v grid_v = disc_v + conv_v + half_y # Iterate over u/x for conv_u in filter_index: u_idx = (conv_u + one_half_sup)*cf.oversample + frac_u conv_weight = cf.filter_taps[v_idx, u_idx] grid_u = disc_u + conv_u + half_x # Correlation for c in range(flat_corrs): vis[r, f, c] += (grid[grid_v, grid_u, c] * conv_weight * weights[r, f, c]) return vis
[docs]def degrid(grid, uvw, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter, cell_size, dtype=np.complex64): """ Convolutional degridder (continuum) Variable numbers of correlations are supported. * :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)` ``grid`` will result in a :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` ``vis`` * :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1)` ``grid`` will result in a :code:`(row, chan, corr_1)` ``vis`` Parameters ---------- grid : np.ndarray float or complex grid of visibilities of shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)` uvw : np.ndarray float64 array of UVW coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)` in wavelengths. weights : np.ndarray float32 or float64 array of weights. Set this to ``np.ones_like(vis, dtype=np.float32)`` as default. ref_wave : np.ndarray float64 array of wavelengths of shape :code:`(chan,)` convolution_filter : :class:`~africanus.filters.ConvolutionFilter` Convolution Filter cell_size : float Cell size in arcseconds. dtype : :class:`numpy.dtype` Data type of the visibilities Returns ------- np.ndarray :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` complex ndarray of visibilities """ nrow = uvw.shape[0] nchan = ref_wave.shape[0] corrs = flat_corrs = grid.shape[2:] # Flatten if necessary if len(corrs) > 1: flat_corrs = (reduce(mul, corrs),) grid = grid.reshape(grid.shape[:2] + flat_corrs) weights = weights.reshape(weights.shape[:2] + flat_corrs) vis = np.zeros((nrow, nchan) + flat_corrs, dtype=dtype) vis = numba_degrid(grid, uvw, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter, cell_size, vis) return vis.reshape(weights.shape[:2] + corrs)