Convolution Filters

Convolution filters suitable for use in gridding and degridding.


convolution_filter(half_support, …) Create a 2D Convolution Filter suitable for use with gridding and degridding functions.
africanus.filters.convolution_filter(half_support, oversampling_factor, filter_type, **kwargs)[source]

Create a 2D Convolution Filter suitable for use with gridding and degridding functions.

half_support : integer

Half support (N) of the filter. The filter has a full support of N*2 + 3 taps. Two of the taps exist as padding.

oversampling_factor : integer

Number of spaces in-between grid-steps (improves gridding/degridding accuracy)

filter_type : {‘kaiser-bessel’, ‘sinc’}

Filter type. See Convolution Filters for further information.

beta : float, optional

Beta shape parameter for Kaiser Bessel filters.

normalise : {True, False}

Normalise the filter by the it’s volume. Defaults to True.


namedtuple containing filter attributes

africanus.filters.ConvolutionFilter = <class 'africanus.filters.conv_filters.ConvolutionFilter'>

Kaiser Bessel

The Kaiser Bessel function.

kaiser_bessel(u, W, beta) Compute a 1D Kaiser Bessel filter as defined in Selection of a Convolution Function for Fourier Inversion Using Gridding.
kaiser_bessel_with_sinc(u, W, oversample, beta) Produces a filter composed of Kaiser Bessel multiplied by a sinc.
kaiser_bessel_fourier(x, W, beta) Computes the Fourier Transform of a 1D Kaiser Bessel filter.
estimate_kaiser_bessel_beta(W) Estimate the kaiser bessel beta using the following heuristic:
africanus.filters.kaiser_bessel_filter.kaiser_bessel(u, W, beta)[source]

Compute a 1D Kaiser Bessel filter as defined in Selection of a Convolution Function for Fourier Inversion Using Gridding.

u : numpy.ndarray

Filter positions

W : int

Width of the filter

beta : float, optional

Kaiser Bessel shape parameter


Kaiser Bessel filter with the same shape as u

africanus.filters.kaiser_bessel_filter.kaiser_bessel_with_sinc(u, W, oversample, beta, normalise=True)[source]

Produces a filter composed of Kaiser Bessel multiplied by a sinc.

Accounts for the oversampling factor, as well as normalising the filter.

u : numpy.ndarray

Filter positions

W : int

Width of the filter

oversample : int

Oversampling factor

beta : float

Kaiser Bessel shape parameter

normalise : optional, {True, False}

True if the filter should be normalised


Filter with the same shape as u

africanus.filters.kaiser_bessel_filter.kaiser_bessel_fourier(x, W, beta)[source]

Computes the Fourier Transform of a 1D Kaiser Bessel filter. as defined in Selection of a Convolution Function for Fourier Inversion Using Gridding.

x : numpy.ndarray

Filter positions

W : int

Width of the filter.

beta : float

Kaiser bessel shape parameter


Fourier Transform of the Kaiser Bessel, with the same shape as x.


Estimate the kaiser bessel beta using the following heuristic:

\[\beta = 2.34 \times W\]

Derived from Nonuniform fast Fourier transforms using min-max interpolation.

W : int

Width of the filter


Kaiser Bessel beta shape parameter


The Sinc function.