Source code for africanus.dft.kernels

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from collections import namedtuple

import numba
import numpy as np

from africanus.constants import minus_two_pi_over_c
from import doc_tuple_to_str
from africanus.util.numba import is_numba_type_none, generated_jit

[docs]@generated_jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True) def im_to_vis(image, uvw, lm, frequency, dtype=None): # Infer complex output dtype if none provided if is_numba_type_none(dtype): out_dtype = np.result_type(np.complex64, *(np.dtype( for a in (image, uvw, lm, frequency))) else: out_dtype = dtype.dtype def _im_to_vis_impl(image, uvw, lm, frequency, dtype=None): vis_of_im = np.zeros((uvw.shape[0], frequency.shape[0]), dtype=out_dtype) # For each uvw coordinate for row in range(uvw.shape[0]): u, v, w = uvw[row] # For each source for source in range(lm.shape[0]): l, m = lm[source] n = np.sqrt(1.0 - l**2 - m**2) - 1.0 # e^(-2*pi*(l*u + m*v + n*w)/c) real_phase = minus_two_pi_over_c * (l * u + m * v + n * w) # Multiple in frequency for each channel for chan in range(frequency.shape[0]): p = real_phase * frequency[chan] * 1.0j # Our phase input is purely imaginary # so we can can elide a call to exp # and just compute the cos and sin # @simon does this really make a difference? # I thought a complex exponential is evaluated # as a sum of sin and cos anyway vis_of_im[row, chan] += np.exp(p)*image[source, chan] return vis_of_im return _im_to_vis_impl
[docs]@generated_jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True) def vis_to_im(vis, uvw, lm, frequency, dtype=None): # Infer output dtype if none provided if is_numba_type_none(dtype): # Support both real and complex visibilities... if isinstance(vis.dtype, numba.types.scalars.Complex): vis_comp_dtype = np.dtype( else: vis_comp_dtype = np.dtype( out_dtype = np.result_type(vis_comp_dtype, *(np.dtype( for a in (uvw, lm, frequency))) else: if isinstance(dtype, numba.types.scalars.Complex): raise TypeError("dtype must be complex") out_dtype = dtype.dtype def _vis_to_im_impl(vis, uvw, lm, frequency, dtype=None): im_of_vis = np.zeros((lm.shape[0], frequency.shape[0]), dtype=out_dtype) # For each source for source in range(lm.shape[0]): l, m = lm[source] n = np.sqrt(1.0 - l ** 2 - m ** 2) - 1.0 # For each uvw coordinate for row in range(uvw.shape[0]): u, v, w = uvw[row] # e^(-2*pi*(l*u + m*v + n*w)/c) real_phase = -minus_two_pi_over_c * (l * u + m * v + n * w) # Multiple in frequency for each channel for chan in range(frequency.shape[0]): p = real_phase * frequency[chan] im_of_vis[source, chan] += (np.cos(p) * vis[row, chan].real - np.sin(p) * vis[row, chan].imag) # Note for the adjoint we don't need the imaginary part # and we can elide the call to exp return im_of_vis return _vis_to_im_impl
_DFT_DOCSTRING = namedtuple( "_DFTDOCSTRING", ["preamble", "parameters", "returns"]) im_to_vis_docs = _DFT_DOCSTRING( preamble=""" Computes the discrete image to visibility mapping of an ideal unpolarised interferometer : .. math:: {\\Large \\sum_s e^{-2 \\pi i (u l_s + v m_s + w (n_s - 1))} \\cdot I_s } """, # noqa parameters=""" Parameters ---------- image : :class:`numpy.ndarray` image of shape :code:`(source, chan)` The Stokes I intensity in each pixel (flatten 2D array per channel). uvw : :class:`numpy.ndarray` UVW coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)` with U, V and W components in the last dimension. lm : :class:`numpy.ndarray` LM coordinates of shape :code:`(source, 2)` with L and M components in the last dimension. frequency : :class:`numpy.ndarray` frequencies of shape :code:`(chan,)` dtype : np.dtype, optional Datatype of result. Should be either np.complex64 or np.complex128. If ``None``, :func:`numpy.result_type` is used to infer the data type from the inputs. """, returns=""" Returns ------- visibilties : :class:`numpy.ndarray` complex of shape :code:`(row, chan)` """ ) im_to_vis.__doc__ = doc_tuple_to_str(im_to_vis_docs) vis_to_im_docs = _DFT_DOCSTRING( preamble=""" Computes visibility to image mapping of an ideal unpolarised interferometer: .. math:: {\\Large \\sum_k e^{ 2 \\pi i (u_k l + v_k m + w_k (n - 1))} \\cdot V_k} """, # noqa parameters=""" Parameters ---------- vis : :class:`numpy.ndarray` visibilities of shape :code:`(row, chan)` The Stokes I visibilities of which to compute a dirty image uvw : :class:`numpy.ndarray` UVW coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)` with U, V and W components in the last dimension. lm : :class:`numpy.ndarray` LM coordinates of shape :code:`(source, 2)` with L and M components in the last dimension. frequency : :class:`numpy.ndarray` frequencies of shape :code:`(chan,)` dtype : np.dtype, optional Datatype of result. Should be either np.float32 or np.float64. If ``None``, :func:`numpy.result_type` is used to infer the data type from the inputs. """, returns=""" Returns ------- image : :class:`numpy.ndarray` float of shape :code:`(source, chan)` """ ) vis_to_im.__doc__ = doc_tuple_to_str(vis_to_im_docs)