Source code for africanus.rime.beam_cubes

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from itertools import product

import numpy as np

    from scipy import interpolate
    from scipy.ndimage import interpolation
except ImportError as e:
    scipy_import_error = e
    scipy_import_error = None

from africanus.util.requirements import requires_optional

[docs]@requires_optional("scipy", scipy_import_error) def beam_cube_dde(beam, coords, l_grid, m_grid, freq_grid, spline_order=1, mode='nearest'): """ Computes Direction Dependent Effects (E) by sampling complex values in ``beam`` at the coordinates ``coords``. Both real and imaginary beam values are sampled at the given coordinates and normalised to form a `mean of circular quantities <>`_. ``l_grid``, ``m_grid`` and ``freq_grid`` can be obtained from :func:`~africanus.util.beams.beam_grids`. Parameters ---------- beam : :class:`numpy.ndarray` complex beam cube of shape :code:`(beam_lw, beam_mh, beam_nud, corr_1, corr_2)` where ``beam_lw`` is the grid width of the l dimension, ``beam_mh`` is the grid height of the m dimension and ``beam_nud`` is the grid depth of the frequency dimension. Either ``corr_1`` or both ``corr_1`` and ``corr_2`` may be present, representing 1, 2 or 2x2 correlations respectively. coords : :class:`numpy.ndarray` beam cube coordinates of shape :code:`(coords, dim_1, ..., dim_n)` where ``coord`` always has size 3 and refers to `(l,m,frequency)`. l_grid : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Monotonically *increasing* or *decreasing* grid values for the l axis, with shape :code:`(beam_lw,)`. If decreasing, the m_grid : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Monotonically *increasing* or *decreasing* grid values for the m axis, with shape :code:`(beam_mh,)` freq_grid : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Monotonically increasing grid values for the frequency axis, with shape :code:`(beam_nud,)` spline_order : int Spline order to use in :func:`scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates`. Defaults to 1 ('linear') mode : str Border mode to use in :func:`scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates` Defaults to 'nearest' Returns ------- ddes : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Sampled complex beam values at the specified coordinates with shape :code:`(dim_1, ..., dim_n, corr_1, corr_2)` """ if not np.iscomplexobj(beam): raise ValueError("beam is not complex") l_diff = np.diff(l_grid) l_inc = np.all(l_diff > 0) l_dec = np.all(l_diff < 0) if not (l_inc or l_dec): raise ValueError("l_grid is not monotonically increasing/decreasing") m_diff = np.diff(m_grid) m_inc = np.all(m_diff > 0) m_dec = np.all(m_diff < 0) if not (m_inc or m_dec): raise ValueError("m_grid is not monotonically increasing/decreasing") freq_diff = np.diff(freq_grid) freq_inc = np.all(freq_diff > 0) if not freq_inc: raise ValueError("freq_grid is not monotonically increasing") # interp1d works on monotically increasing/decreasing values # # .. code-block:: python # # values = np.asarray([1.0, 0.7, 0.2, 0.0, -0.4, -1.0]) # values = np.flipud(values) # grid = np.arange(values.size) # # initial = np.stack((values, grid)) # interp = interp1d(values, grid, bounds_error=False, # fill_value='extrapolate') # assert np.all(initial == np.stack((values,interp(values)))) l_interp = interpolate.interp1d(l_grid, np.arange(l_grid.size), 'linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate', assume_sorted=l_inc) m_interp = interpolate.interp1d(m_grid, np.arange(m_grid.size), 'linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate', assume_sorted=m_inc) freq_interp = interpolate.interp1d(freq_grid, np.arange(freq_grid.size), 'linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate', assume_sorted=True) head, tail = coords.shape[0], coords.shape[1:] if not head == 3: raise ValueError("coord axis must have size 3 " "representing l, m and frequency") # Flatten coordinates coords = coords.reshape(head, -1) # TODO(sjperkins) # This scaling code might actually be more suited # to transform_sources. # LM coordinates must be scaled if # they lie outside the beam cube. # Check for frequency coordinates (index 2) # that lie below or above below = coords[2, :] < freq_grid[0] above = coords[2, :] > freq_grid[-1] # Scaling factors for frequencies above and below below_scale = coords[2, below] / freq_grid[0] above_scale = coords[2, above] / freq_grid[-1] # Now scale L and M (0 and 1) by frequency scaling coords[0:2, below] *= below_scale coords[0:2, above] *= above_scale # Convert to grid coordinates grid_coords = np.empty_like(coords) grid_coords[0, :] = l_interp(coords[0, :]) grid_coords[1, :] = m_interp(coords[1, :]) grid_coords[2, :] = freq_interp(coords[2, :]) # Create beam and result indices corr_dims = beam.shape[3:] all_ = slice(None) result_all = tuple(all_ for _ in range(len(tail))) corr_indices = list(product(*(range(d) for d in corr_dims))) if len(corr_indices) > 0: beam_indices = tuple((all_,) + cp for cp in corr_indices) result_indices = tuple(result_all + cp for cp in corr_indices) else: beam_indices = ((all_,),) result_indices = ((result_all,),) # Allocate output array result = np.empty(tail + corr_dims, dtype=beam.dtype) prefilter = spline_order == 1 # For each correlation for bi, ri in zip(beam_indices, result_indices): re = result[ri].real im = result[ri].imag # Interpolate real and imaginary beams re.flat[:] = interpolation.map_coordinates(beam[bi].real, grid_coords, order=spline_order, prefilter=prefilter, mode=mode) im.flat[:] = interpolation.map_coordinates(beam[bi].imag, grid_coords, order=spline_order, prefilter=prefilter, mode=mode) # This computes a mean of circular quantities # and the following should hold # # .. code-block:: python # # phase = np.arctan2(re, im) # re == np.cos(phase) # im == np.sin(phase) # Compute the amplitude amplitude = np.sqrt(re**2 + im**2) # Handle divide by zero when normalising amplitude[amplitude == 0.0] = 1.0 # Normalise real and imaginary components re /= amplitude im /= amplitude return result