Source code for africanus.gridding.wstack.wstacking

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from operator import mul

import numpy as np

from africanus.compatibility import reduce
from africanus.util.numba import jit
from africanus.gridding.simple.gridding import (
                numba_grid as simple_numba_grid,
                numba_degrid as simple_numba_degrid)

[docs]def w_stacking_layers(w_min, w_max, l, m): r""" Computes the number of w-layers given the minimum and maximum W coordinates, as well as the l and m coordinates. .. math:: N_{wlay} >> 2 \pi \left(w_{max} - w_{min} \right) \underset{l, m}{\max}\left(1 - \sqrt{1 - l^2 - m^2}\right) Parameters ---------- w_min : float Minimum W coordinate in wavelengths. w_max : float Maximum W coordinate in wavelengths. l : :class:`numpy.ndarray` l coordinates m : :class:`numpy.ndarray` m coordinates Returns ------- int Number of w-layers """ max_val = (1.0 - np.sqrt(1 - l[None, :]**2 - m[:, None]**2)).max() return np.ceil(2*np.pi*(w_max - w_min)*max_val).astype(np.int32).item()
[docs]def w_stacking_bins(w_min, w_max, w_layers): r""" Returns the W coordinate bins appropriate for the observation parameters, given the minimum and maximum W coordinates and the number of W layers. W coordinates can be binned by calling .. code-block:: python w_bins = np.digitize(w, bins) - 1 Notes ----- A small epsilon is added to ``w_max`` to force this W coordinate into the last bin. Parameters ---------- w_min : float Minimum W coordinate in wavelengths. w_max : float Maximum W coordinate in wavelengths. w_layers : int Number of w layers Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` W-coordinate bins of shape :code:`(nw + 1,)`. """ return np.linspace(w_min, w_max + 1e-12, w_layers + 1)
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True) def w_stacking_centroids(w_bins): return 0.5*(w_bins[:-1] + w_bins[1:])
WSTACK_DOCS = r""" Returns the W coordinate centroids for each W layer. Computed from bins produced by :func:`w_stacking_bins`. Parameters ---------- w_bins : :class:`numpy.ndarray` W stacking bins of shape :code:`(nw + 1,)` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` W-coordinate centroids of shape :code:`(nw,)` in wavelengths. """ try: w_stacking_centroids.__doc__ = WSTACK_DOCS except AttributeError: pass @jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True) def w_bin_masks(uvw, w_bins): indices = np.digitize(uvw[:, 2], w_bins) - 1 return [i == indices for i in range(w_bins.shape[0])] @jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True) def numba_grid(vis, uvw, flags, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter, w_bins, cell_size, grids): assert len(grids) == w_bins.shape[0] - 1 bin_indices = np.digitize(uvw[:, 2], w_bins) - 1 if np.any(bin_indices < 0): raise ValueError("bin_index < 0") if np.any(bin_indices >= len(grids)): raise ValueError("bin_index >= len(grids)") for i, grid in enumerate(grids): # The row mask for this layer mask = bin_indices == i # Nothing to grid if np.sum(mask) == 0: continue simple_numba_grid(vis[mask, ...], uvw[mask, ...], flags[mask, ...], weights[mask, ...], ref_wave, convolution_filter, cell_size, grid) return grids
[docs]def grid(vis, uvw, flags, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter, w_bins, cell_size, nx=1024, ny=1024, grids=None): """ Convolutional W-stacking gridder. This function grids visibilities ``vis`` onto multiple grids, each associated with a W-layer defined by ``w_bins``. The W coordinate of the ``uvw`` array is used to bin the visibility into the appropriate grid. Variable numbers of correlations are supported. * :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` ``vis`` will result in a :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)` ``grid``. * :code:`(row, chan, corr_1)` ``vis`` will result in a :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1)` ``grid``. Parameters ---------- vis : :class:`numpy.ndarray` complex visibility array of shape :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` uvw : :class:`numpy.ndarray` float64 array of UVW coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)` weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` float32 or float64 array of weights. Set this to ``np.ones_like(vis, dtype=np.float32)`` as default. flags : np.ndarray flagged array of shape :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)`. Any positive quantity will indicate that the corresponding visibility should be flagged. Set to ``np.zeros_like(vis, dtype=np.bool)`` as default. ref_wave : np.ndarray float64 array of wavelengths of shape :code:`(chan,)` convolution_filter : :class:`~africanus.filters.ConvolutionFilter` Convolution filter w_bins : :class:`numpy.ndarray` W coordinate bins of shape :code:`(nw + 1,)` cell_size : float Cell size in arcseconds. nx : integer, optional Size of the grid's X dimension ny : integer, optional Size of the grid's Y dimension grids : list of np.ndarray, optional list of complex arrays of length :code:`nw`, each with shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)`. If supplied, this array will be used as the gridding target, and ``nx`` and ``ny`` will be derived from the grid's dimensions. Returns ------- list of np.ndarray list of complex arrays of gridded visibilities, of length :code:`nw`, each with shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)`. The number of correlations may vary, depending on the shape of vis. """ corrs = vis.shape[2:] # Create grid of flatten correlations or reshape if grids is None: nw = w_bins.shape[0] - 1 grids = [np.zeros((ny, nx) + corrs, dtype=vis.dtype) for _ in range(nw)] elif not isinstance(grids, list): grids = [grids] # Flatten the correlation dimensions flat_corrs = (reduce(mul, corrs),) grids = [g.reshape(g.shape[0:2] + flat_corrs) for g in grids] return numba_grid(vis, uvw, flags, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter, w_bins, cell_size, grids)
@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True) def numba_degrid(grids, uvw, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter, w_bins, cell_size, vis): assert len(grids) == w_bins.shape[0] - 1 bin_indices = np.digitize(uvw[:, 2], w_bins) - 1 if np.any(bin_indices < 0): raise ValueError("bin_index < 0") if np.any(bin_indices >= len(grids)): raise ValueError("bin_index >= len(grids)") for i, grid in enumerate(grids): # The row mask for this layer mask = bin_indices == i rows = np.sum(mask) # Nothing to degrid if rows == 0: continue _, chan, corr = vis.shape res_vis = np.zeros((rows, chan, corr), dtype=grid.dtype) simple_numba_degrid(grid, uvw[mask, ...], weights[mask, ...], ref_wave, convolution_filter, cell_size, res_vis) vis[mask, ...] = res_vis return vis
[docs]def degrid(grids, uvw, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter, w_bins, cell_size, dtype=np.complex64): """ Convolutional W-stacking degridder (continuum) Variable numbers of correlations are supported. * :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)` ``grid`` will result in a :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` ``vis`` * :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1)` ``grid`` will result in a :code:`(row, chan, corr_1)` ``vis`` Parameters ---------- grids : list of np.ndarray list of visibility grids of length :code:`nw`. of shape :code:`(ny, nx, corr_1, corr_2)` uvw : np.ndarray float64 array of UVW coordinates of shape :code:`(row, 3)` weights : np.ndarray float32 or float64 array of weights. Set this to ``np.ones_like(vis, dtype=np.float32)`` as default. ref_wave : np.ndarray float64 array of wavelengths of shape :code:`(chan,)` convolution_filter : :class:`~africanus.filters.ConvolutionFilter` Convolution Filter w_bins : :class:`numpy.ndarray` W coordinate bins of shape :code:`(nw + 1,)` cell_size : float Cell size in arcseconds. dtype : :class:`numpy.dtype`, optional Numpy type of the resulting array. Defaults to :class:`numpy.complex64`. Returns ------- np.ndarray :code:`(row, chan, corr_1, corr_2)` complex ndarray of visibilities """ corrs = grids[0].shape[2:] nrow = uvw.shape[0] nchan = ref_wave.shape[0] # Flatten the correlation dimensions flat_corrs = reduce(mul, corrs) # Create output visibilities vis = np.empty((nrow, nchan, flat_corrs), dtype=dtype) grids = [g.reshape(g.shape[0:2] + (flat_corrs,)) for g in grids] numba_degrid(grids, uvw, weights, ref_wave, convolution_filter, w_bins, cell_size, vis) return vis.reshape((nrow, nchan) + corrs)